Montag, 13. September 2021

China Won't Rule the World

I can accept most of what this video says about China. It does not deal however with American imperialism and oligarchic power structure destroying itself also from within. Perhaps both will eventually collapse and a more regional based instead of global economy will emerge in the next generation or so as fossil fuels become too expensive for shipping and dirt cheap mass production and shipping of steel, cars, electronics, consumer goods globally. Then growth will stop economically and demographically, as that just causes environmental destruction anyway. Any global system needing a global police would then be unnecessary. Regional ethnic blocs with mutual cultural ties would dominate. The last 500 years of European conquest would not be replaced as the Americans have done with a new hegemon but from Eurasia. Regional autarchism in regions would occur. Factories would return home. It is like the obvious question of truly banning cars is unacceptable, also banning international shipping of goods when pekple could eat and produce most things locally and that many things are just expendable, useless. Fast fashion, plastic toys, exotic foods can all be eliminated without starvation, hardship like China suffered, losing 50 million to starvation trying to fulfill export wheat quotas for ego of Mao. This reversal of globalization will slowly happen as transport becomes unaffordale except for the most expensive and exotic and long holding goods as in ancient times, namely dried powdered spices. America cannot be undiscovered of course. Chinese communism will likely disappear to be replaced by a dictator who establishes an hereditary monarchy. Once the electrical grid gives out, total surveillance will disappear everywhere. This will not bring freedom to anyone anymore than the wild days of the internet with its new found rough and tumble of online forums brought us true freedom. Power structures eventually take over new systems after a while and slowly people cook up new ideas, leading to new revolutions of thought, bypassing the old. Like the dinosaurs in the Jurassic park who learned to reproduce asexuall, nature always finds a way. My odd experience with kundalini awakening has shown me that life can become like experienced sci- fi. Perhaps psi powers could be a part of our future for a select few as needed for human survival as a whole. Evolution in this sense takes long time periods. Translating some psi power into an inheritable or trainable skill, devoid of all religious or spiritual overtones ( buddhist, sufi, etc) is hard as these energies create euphoria, sexual feelings and so on and change nervous system function so much. New development or expansion of internal organs, connected to the chakras, would be neccessary and a strengthening of our nervous system to support higher levels of chi type energies throughout. Anyway if we don' t go extinct then we must change in some fundamental fashion but for now this civilization seems to have hit peak funtionality some time ago.


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