Montag, 13. September 2021

Mantra Effects

 I use mantra chanting daily, mostly whil biking back and forth from work, in my head silently. I have a different mantra for each day of the week from the kriya yoga initiations I had about 20 years ago. I use my guru' s picture also. It started a year ago maybe that I could feel some energy there. Since the last week this is much stronger, flowing strongly through my body and even holding this energy duing the day, feeling its effects. I noticed a couple days ago that saying the mantras has similar strong effects, pulling energy through my whole body, making me have a high, dizzying, swirling effect. I credit this all to a greater degree of surrender to God. I cannot control what happens in the world. God has reasons for things, uses us as tools in a grand plan. The more I egotistically attempt to control or change things, the less I will accomp!ish or understand. This I mean particularly regarding in spiritual matters regarding energy. Daily physical life moves slower, is easier to understand as it is less chaotic. Emotional, spiritual, attitudinal matters inside of us or between us or between us and God ebb and flow, grow over time. I am very glad to see such enormous technical progress inside my energy body. This comes not by trying to be a big shot like some evil emperor in star wars but through a desperate sense of losing identity, control and surrendering to a higher power' s guidance. 

Jai Babaji!

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