Donnerstag, 28. Oktober 2021

Moving Abroad forever

Millions leave hometown smallness everywhere and nowadays it is easier to move abroad, becoming an expatriate. Like some say they are trapped in wrong sex body but many many more are dissatisfied where they are or with career choices. 40% of young adults 30-45 globally are switching jobs, millions of Americans have moved,started a new life due to rethinking life during Covid. It is easier to start anew when your background was already mutinational or multilingual. As the world gets more complex this helps your adaptability anyway in accepting new ways of living, ideologies, languages. Finding a fixed identity is harder however. Local populations where one settles are generally more rooted over many generations and finding the same degree of acceptance from them as they feel for each other is difficult if impossible. Immigrants from one culture tend to cluster together. I find it personally easier to identify with people from varied backgrounds, whose parents were not same ethnic or language origin, as this is how I grew up. However one hardly finds people with exactly the same multicultural background. My wife has a different one than I do but this very flexibility is important. Monoethnic, monoreligious, grew up same town, culture, church, etc parentage is limiting. Notice in the video the man is seeking expansion of worldview. Typical at young age. I and others like me grew up with a broad worldview and spend our whole lives trying to reconcile that and our core identity to how most people are not essentially multicultural. Marrying someone similar helps a great deal. While difficult to find, just disappearing as relationship is going sour is not as easy as there are so few similar partners, whereas if you are a multigenerational local like everyone else your mating pool is much larger. Being a freak culturally is hard. In mother' s home country of England I am American. In America or Alaska where I grew up I never really fit in. In Germany where I live I never really made friends or got deep social contacts perhaps due to my shy habits coming from being a " stranger in a strange land" growing up. My kids remain loners. But this has forced my focus on my self development, spirituality. Perhaps I am just now catching up with relaxed social feelings others had in childhood but for this I needed to work from inside out, learning who I am really. I fear that politically such mass immigration makes for deep instability, mental problems, although in long term it is healthy. 

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