Sonntag, 24. Oktober 2021

Venus in birth charts 

Pisces Venus here!

"Pisces Venus

The last sign of the zodiac, the Pisces spirit is mystical and ethereal. Although Pisces energy can be hard to contain (after all, the ocean is boundless), Venus absolutely adores dwelling in this sign. In fact, Venus is considered "exalted" in Pisces, meaning that in this sign, Venus is functioning at its highest vibration. Pisces Venus finds beauty in absolutely everything and is particularly drawn to creative pursuits such as music and art. For these lovers, romance is deeply spiritual."

My Venus is in my 3rd house so it is all about communicating with my community.
The Third House of Communication

Communication, transportation, and local community are all governed by the third house. Natal planets in the Third House are motivated by expression and often help guide you to build close relationships with their peers, [including siblings, coworkers, and classmates. Communication is the solution to most problems, and the basis of all successful relationships, so make sure to honor and nurture this sector of your chart. When planets transit the Third House, we often receive important information about our immediate network. This House corresponds with Gemini energy.

Venus is conjunct Saturn as well so

Venus conjunct Saturn natal makes you a very loyal and caring person but you can have trouble showing it. This can lead to a degree of delay and restraint in forming close relationships. You long for love and affection but there just seem to be so many impediments to achieving this. Life will throw up some painful experiences in order for you to learn how to love yourself and love others.

This can be a karmic aspect, especially if either Venus or Saturn is retrograde. In such cases, people who knew in previous lives that felt betrayed or hurt by you will seek you out in this life in order to teach you a lesson and balance things out. It is also possible that people who hurt you in previous incarnations will come back with love to give and valuable lessons to teach. Once you have reached a certain evolutionary point in your life, hardship and sorrow will give way to loving and lasting relationships.

This aspect can be especially difficult while growing up. Lack of self-love or self-respect is usually the main reason for any shyness or inability to maintain close relationships. This would be made much worse if parents or teachers were hard on you. You may have faced privation, meanness, withdrawal of love and affection, or absence, especially from your father. Abuse is also possible, but the main point is that you may have felt unloved and not valued by others.

Rejection, isolation, and loneliness exacerbate these difficulties as you miss out on developing social and personal interaction skills. Feeling awkward in social situations is common, and you would most likely prefer mixing with only one person or a very small number of people at any one time.

The more you feel bad about yourself, the more people will avoid you. Imagine that you are wearing a sign around your neck that says “unlovable”. Your karmic lesson this life is to learn to love yourself so that others can love you. You may experience periods of isolation in between relationships. Breakups and divorce are common with this aspect.

Difficult Venus-Saturn aspects are generally considered the most challenging of all natal aspects by the majority of astrologers. It feels worse because it is love that most people want in this life, and you are deprived of that for some time. While young, you may prefer the company of more serious or older people. When older, you may prefer a younger partner.

Patience, hard work and determination will, however, be rewarded, as is the case with any difficult Saturn aspect. The more you learn to accept and love yourself then the more you are able to express your love and affection. Self-respect brings respect from others and you will earn the love and loyalty you deserve.

The same conditions as experienced in your love life can also apply to your finances. The lesson here is to learn the value of money and how to keep enough of it to live on. Eventually, as with love, you will learn to hold onto it and not experience periods or restraint or poverty. Saving and investing will bring you the stability and security you seek.

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