Samstag, 10. Juni 2023

Men Guess How Many People Women Have Slept With

Watching Cut is either totally embarassing or very funny. I remember reading about eskimos or something who had not the slightest idea what to do on their wedding night. Standard questions the men ask here is "what kind of porn do you watch". Before mass internet consumption it was VHS videos from seedy places and then I recall that around 1970 the first mass market porn video " deep throat" was made by the mob to create a new market to earn money. You notice how sexual activity is subtly judged but not heavily in the video. All personal decision. No religious or moral overtones. Old school was rather strict and coming out on the other side, after agnosticism/atheism, we have sacred sexuality, where people believe and feel the deeper sense of each sexual exchange and the energy shared with others and with all of their previous partners. IOW the latest sexuality is reestablishing the old conservative religious taboos destroyed by the sexual revolution, but this is happening voluntarily over time. At the height of a civilization life loses its magical quality, becomes mechanical and essentiallly devoid of inner meaning. Sex is just fun. Slowly we relearn that everything is holy, sacred, magical if we just let it be that way. I suspect watching this video in 100 years will be as weird as watching a silent film of 1920 is now. Even the virgin, showing lots of breast, admitted to lots of oral sex with no embarassment. I think having lost all taboos on sex in general in the heterosexual community explains a great deal of why alt sexuality has flourished. If there are no taboos, deeper moral meanning, sacredness, magic to sexuality then nothing really mattters as seen in the recent news stories about instagram. I think this is why the old taboos will be reestablished because if one falls then all of them fall one by one. This is my general suspicion, although America may be different. Certainly in the middle ages priests and monks in France frequented brothels openly. Maybe it is simply the speed of cultural change regarding women's liberation, sexual liberation, the pill, pornography, gay rights that will make it backtrack. America seems to go from extreme to extreme. In the 50s we had the right in McCarthyism and now the left in Internet giants, Hollywood and corporate advertising, along with FBI, MSM are all aligned with one another. This seems like a multigenerational pendulum swing and I believe it has reached its farthest point and is now returning. In 80 years I bet people will be uptight like in puritan New England. Everyone in such a video assumes like whatever is, is natural, normal but an old person or maybe a kid born in 10 -20 years might be horrified, disgusted. Open sexual talk may disappear. Lady Chatterley's Lover was a scandal back then. Maybe a deep religious revival will take place as the economy disintegrates and chaos ensues. After the 90s chaos in Russia many churches were rebuilt as people sought new meaning in life amid the chaos.

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