Samstag, 10. Juni 2023

Saturn - Guardian of the Threshold

 Saturn, formerly the last planet of our solar system, has been called the "Guardian of the Threshold," beyond which lie the outer planets unknown to astrologers until early modern times. Saturn is the symbol for limitations and hardships; yet Saturn also shows where patience and hard work may pay rewards later in life. It makes individuals aware of the restrictions under which they must live. Saturn therefore symbolizes the rules of society which are designed to uphold law and order; as opposed to more philosophical concerns with justice in the law, symbolised by Jupiter.

Saturn embodies the principle of contraction and concentration, i.e. the focusing on what is essential, the essence of things; as opposed to Jupiter, which is the principle of expansion. As the principle which supports structure, Saturn gives support and stability. It embodies the material world.

Saturn and Jupiter are classified as social planets. Saturn takes on average 2 1/2 years to pass through one sign of the zodiac, which means that all those born during this period have Saturn in the same sign. Its house position and aspects indicate where and how a person is likely to have difficulties and feel inhibited, insecure or possibly trapped. It takes time and hard work for individuals to overcome their fears and further their personal development. Saturn continually confronts us with challenges to overcome, as indicated by its sign and house. Consequently a person can master these areas of life through repeated hard experience.

This process usually becomes easier after the first Saturn return, which occurs at around 29.5 years of age when transiting Saturn makes its first conjunction with Saturn's position in the natal chart. This transit is considered to mark an important stage on the way to personal maturity.

The second Saturn return, occurring around the age of 58, marks the transition from middle age into senior status. Whether or not the individual learned Saturn's lessons becomes apparent around this time. For example, a person who did not save money in middle age might have no retirement income.

Saturn transits indicate a slowing down, a concentration on what is essential. They force an individual to mature and take on responsibility. They usually indicate times of hard work but also the fruits of this hard labour. In traditional astrology, Saturn was feared as a symbol of bad luck, death and the devil. Modern psychological astrologers argue that even though Saturn brings hard lessons in life, it gives great potential to those who are willing to submit to its demands. Its motto is patience and perseverance. These qualities can help a person to achieve great personal insight and inner freedom (Free Will). The pain that often accompanies such processes can be a catalyst that impels an individual to persevere.

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And 29x 3=87 so the third Saturn return generally brings bodily death, transition to a new life or other plane, depending on our progress. I find now that Saturn is almost conjunct its birth position in my horoscope that I think and feel slowly and very concentrated. I realize things that seem quite deep. I feel that part of my life is ending and another part is beginning. Last time around I was totally into making a living, finding a partner, becoming part of the social structure. This time I have a broader, more spiritual perspective. Past and future lives, connections with others in a web over many lives supercedes current emotional needs. I sense that my conscious will is just a tool to motivate me to play the game. We are in God's simulation. Once we look outside the box, say we in this body are just marionettes fulfilling a task, then we stop being so serious about our life goals. Life ends, starts again, etc. We are the dreamer. Of course I suppose that it generally takes many lives to finally "get this" intuitively, even with old age. Meditation is often quite mentally focussed. Einstein and co. had their aha moments, seeing deep truths. I feel that yoga transforms us more completely, at all physical, emotional levels so that we are satiated in every chakra area, experiencing deepest love, sadness, anger, joy, insights. Then when all that has been worked through we can just sit and say " enough". Maybe deeper bodily transformation will allow deeper insights which then change one's goals and actions outwardly. Monks, gurus are not big entrepeneurs, politicians, generals. I suspect one experiences such behavior in previous lives and then moves into spirituality later in the "lives-cycle". This could explain the 12 zodiac signs, start with Aries as soldier and move forward ending in Pisces as monk. Then move on to a different plane after a thousand years. At any rate I sense Saturn now readily. I am not as is usual for me a happy jokester( Moon conjunct Jupiter in birth chart), neither am I sad or distressed. This presence feels important, somber, like death waiting with his sickel patiently, quietly but telling us intimately all his secrets which we were so afraid of hearing before. It is like a near death experience over an extended period while not leaving the body. Childish impatience to accomplish gives way to deeper knowledge, patience. Imagine those wise old people at 100, but still sharp in their heads and lively as imps but with a deep wisdom, patience. Nowadays we have little to no culture for growth. The peak of life is thirty, thereafter we must hide ourselves, regret lost chances. Through inner growth we can transform our chakras and body into a powerhouse connected to all around us like a beacon, stable as a mountain. Indian astrology, jyotish, foresees 120 year lifespan, therefore even a fourth Saturn return. This could only be possible if the individual and society had a goal, a use for such people. Without purpose in life one perishes. One imagines 80 year old manic orchestra conductors for example. The energy, concentration at all levels must be focused, increased until we glow. Normally we are quite superficial, effected by the whims of others, irritated by circumstances, latest news. If we have a deeper sense of energy, gravity, time so to speak then we remain unmoved. This comes from spiritual practice. Modern life is based on external materialism. Love is automatically a simple physical desire to be fulfilled at intervals, not an intensely felt fire in the body to be harboured and nurtured as a mad longing from life to life for one of many of a cohort. We must have purpose beyond our mortal lives if we are to grow into our selves fully even at this level. If we do not dream of reaching the stars how can we ever expect our society to learn to fly?

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