Freitag, 29. September 2023

Seeing Faces in Things


Awaken Root Chakra


Anglo-Saxons Explained


History of Medieval Revival Fashion


Could Earth Be An Extraterrestrial Zoo?


Fight Climate Change With Parking Lots


Can Ageing Be Reversed?


How Did Consciousness Evolve?


Donnerstag, 28. September 2023

Overstimulation is Ruining Your Life


Menstruation Changes After Covid 19 Vaccination


Individual Responsibility


Health Ramifications of Increasing Atmospheric Electrification


Hopi Tribe End of World Prophecy


Worst Harvest Conditions Yet


52 Arrested by Mass Lootings in Philadelphia


Aliens Meet Astronauts


Mittwoch, 27. September 2023

How the Scot-Irish Transformed the American South

hillbillies, whiskey, square dancing, bluegrass

Origins of Jack and Jill Nursery Rhyme


Exposing Africa's Part in the Slave Trade


Bagan Myanmar - City of Temples


Alaskan Oil


Kashmir History


Who Got Rich Off the Afghan War?


Southern Urals


Dienstag, 26. September 2023

Climate Change Over Time






Ice Age Coming Soon?

One wonders if this is a counterpoint to global warming or if it is real. 

Scottish Genetics


Degrow and Save the World


Chinese Early Pre-History


Productivity Rips You Apart - Resisting the Attention Economy


Tsunami in Isolated Greenland Fjord


Russell Brand Case

Presumption of guilt for opposing government policies publicly. Invent a charge for anyone famous and popular like Assange. Then do away with them.


Montag, 25. September 2023

1984 Full Film Orwell


The Book Tied to 75,000 Disappearances


South Island New Zealand


Spotify's Business Model is Broken


Do Eco-Friendly Diets Really Fight Climate Change?


Cannabis - A Lost History


Toba Supervolcano - Human Extinction Event


I spent 24 Hours With My AI Girlfriend


The Dark World of Atmosphere Modeling


Sonntag, 24. September 2023

1930s Lifestyle Memories 

Plants Hate This


Type 7 Civilization


Planned Obsolescence Will Kill Us All


Mystery Signal From Space


Why do Celebs Always Date Someone Like 20 Years Younger


30 Largest Cities in Russia


Slovakia Elections Won by Pro-Russia Party


The Cruelty of Steve Jobs and Elon Musk


Samstag, 23. September 2023

Why isn't Poetry Popular Anymore?


Prison Industrial Complex


Singing a Tonal Language


UK and France Colonies


Music's Power Over Your Brain


How to Solve a Moral Dilemma


Scale Model of Solar System Along Melbourne Coast


India or Bharat?


Freitag, 22. September 2023

History of Body Mass Index


Capitalism Doesn't Need Consumers


Be Pretentious


How Sweden is Becoming Wealthy


The Loneliness Economy


10 Foods I Eat Daily


Dallas- Houston 30 Billion Dollar High Speed Rail Plan


Fentanyl Pandemic


Donnerstag, 21. September 2023

Early Human Migrations


Oldest Language?


Is the American Century Coming to an End?


USA Should Never Have Been a Superpower, Can it Survive Another Century?


Don't Add Bananas to Your Berry Smoothie?


Words That Hide the Truth by George Carlin US Comedian


Americans Retiring to Europe


US Astrology of the 2020s


Dienstag, 19. September 2023

Korean Films and Dramas Dominate


American vs Russian Mentality ( Seattle girl vs Moscow girl)


Saudi Everything Problem


Time as a Fractal Flow


Attachment Styles


USA vs Europe Prescription Drug Pricing


Leg Swelling


Mississippi Riiver


Caribbean Origins


Montag, 18. September 2023

Venice During Muslim Dynasties


Origins of Europe


Quantum to the Cosmos: A Tour of Everything


There Were No Tumbleweeds in the Old West


African Kingdoms


How Languages Steal Words From Each Other


History of the Stone Age


History of New York


Sonntag, 17. September 2023

Why Migration Can't Solve the Birth Rate Crisis


Fascinating US Maps that will Change the Way You See the Country


5 Thriving Ecosystems that are Shocking Scientists


America's No. 1 Wealth Killer

107.8 Million Auto Loans!

How to Touch Clitoris to Give Her 30 Minute Tantric Orgasm - Full Walkthrough


Low Payiing Jobs Scare Me


Dark Side of Dubai


Why North Korea is Impossible to Conquer


Samstag, 16. September 2023

Fix Asymmetrical Jaw and Face


Iran Afghan War Coming


What the Hell Happened? USA Reverse Culture Shock


Why So Complicated To Fly to Mercury


Don't Trust Me, Here's Why


30 Squats a Day Transform Yoour Body


Paradox of Intelligence - Lovecraft


Bella Figura Jiri Kyllian Nederland Dans Theater

When I work alone cleaning in the evenings and most staff are gone it can be like dance. Sometimes they have music on. I had heard AC/DC's "Back in Black" a couple days ago and was singing it to myself as I worked yesterday. It seems that there is a development in body energy over time. As chakras strengthen they send energy to extremities, which then work better. I clasp my hands, fingers, turn as my ankles feel better strength, control. But then as I was singing this outrageous angry type song all this energy and speed came into my work and I didn't fel tired. It was like in martial arts, amazing for a couple hours at the end of Friday working. Ecstatic! I speculate about kundalini rejuvenating, making much younger and this is what it seems to mean. I was like a wild animal. I clicked later on TV, saw passive sedentary people and it was strange.


Donnerstag, 14. September 2023

Olmec Pre Columbian Central America


Gombe National Park Tanzania Chimp Civil War


How Transitioning Changes You


Darpa Bioweapon Mind Control


Drug Induced Psychosis Ruined My Life


Who Rules America? Docu Series from 2012


The Importance of Smoking a Pipe


Why Herpes Never Goes Away


Mittwoch, 13. September 2023

Postpartum Ab Workout


Near Death 5 Month Coma- Saw Many Worlds


Mermaids vs Sirens


Megacity Inequality Problem


Magnesium Deficiency


You Are a Dream of the Universe


The Human Experience


What Are These Narrow Houses in the Desert


Dienstag, 12. September 2023

Witchcraft, Shamism Discussion


What Our Cities are Missing


Energy Transition Delusion: Inescapable Mineral Realities


Charge a Phone While Grid is Down


Family Lives on Remote Island in Mid North Atlantic


Tsunami Separated Britain From Europe


Brazilian Cyclone


How Russians Feed the Bear


Orca Cultural Transmission


Montag, 11. September 2023

Why Revolutions Fail


Origins of the Dravidians


Jennifer Aniston: Why it's Better to Be Single

Historically of course this is fairly unique. Without household appliances and supermarkets, one needed a "wife" and this person was so occupied in household that the man needed to do other work, hunt or farm or have a job. So our crisis in relationships is due to convenience, wealth or decadence. 

Made to Break: Why Everything We Buy Today is Trash


Yeti Sightings : The Abominable Snowman


Do You Learn Effectively? 5 Learning Theories


Turkey Travel Guide


We Nearly Died Out


Sonntag, 10. September 2023

How Two Brains Can Synchronize and Why it Matters


Russian Youth Sexual Relationships Film R Rated 16 years


Light Entanglement Yin Yang Photo Explained


6 Unethical Manipulative Psychological Tricks that Should be Illegal


Why the Planets Orbit in the Same Direction


Nganasans Lost Cousins of Finns and Hungarians


MHD Magnethydrodynamic Propulsion


Anger But it is Depression


Symptoms of Parasites in the Body


Artificial Womb Breakthrough

Wow! But bonding is important. Like Breastfeeding and natural birth all bring health advantages. Sex bonds partners. How is baby made for this womb? I am very skeptical. 

Fungus Taking Over Earth


Samstag, 9. September 2023

World Geography Quiz


A Supernatural History of the Third Reich


Yesterday My Transiting Sun Conjuncted My Natal Pluto Exactly 

This might explain my intense feelings this week, depressed, dizzy, intense energies, relationship worries. I feel great progress in spiritual devotion. I have hit a new level. My romantic feelings though are suffering. It seems as though there is a whole new focus. This may last and then a life view, habits will have changed permanently. I have had trouble being sentimentally attached overly for maybe a decade and have ridden this like a tiger. Devotional work was difficult. Now perhaps the tide has changed and I can channel my energies more productively.

I also wonder about seismic waves and highly sensitive people. Repeated coincidences are much too often to my taste. It was a weird week in my internal feelings and that is saying something as I am used to odd!

Obama Gay?


How USA Conquered Hawaii and Made it 91% Empty


Sacred Sexuality : Purpose of Love


Chinese Mythical Animals


Can Can Moulin Rouge


Expats Drive Up Lisbon Cost of Living


Dramatic Facts About Ann Boleyn


Colorized Great Depression Photos


Freitag, 8. September 2023

632 Dead, Several Hundred Injured in Moroccan Quake

I got so much energy in my sleep last night, trouble sleeping, crazy. I have found this a big factor predicting or just after seismic or volcanic activity. 

Why Wolves Hate Men and Not Women


How to Be an Excellent Dominant - The Ultimate Guide


Battle of the Boyne - The Battle that Changed the Balance of Power in Europe


Jeffrey Epstein is Just the Tip of the Iceberg - Whitney Webb 1000 page book Interview on deep state, mafia


Did St. Thomas Come to India?


The Psychological Basis of Magic - Synchronicity ( Carl Jung Summary)


The Quest For the Holy Grail(The Self)


Radhe's Challenge to Lord Krishna


6 Mudras You Need to Know About


Donnerstag, 7. September 2023

Miyake Events


The Day Was Quiet and Then the Wolves Came Out

City is a jungle and wilderness is scary. Where to go?

3rd World Filth and Crime in USA 

5 Sisters Ballett Nutcracker Summer Intensive


Continental Divide Trail


Be a Naturalist

seems very high quality

Treat Scabies


Nature Heals


Christian Churches


Regain Foot Health - Russell Brand Interviews Founder of Vivobarefoot


What is the Film Groundhog's Day Really About?


Mittwoch, 6. September 2023

7 Things to Know Before Moving Abroad

63 countries in 20 years. I moved to stay not as a tourist.

Breakthroughs in Stopping Aging NHK Japan Medical Frontiers


Increase Your Mitochondria Through Diet


10 Main Deities of Chinese Mythology


Eyesight Qi Gong


Beavers Restoring America's Wetlands in Deserts

No couch potatoes here!

6 Planets in Retrograde

Mercury who?

Philosophy of Tormented Genius Dostoyevsky


Link Between Trauma and Clutter


Dienstag, 5. September 2023

Superconductors Impact on Society


Chinese Language History and Evolution


The Coolest Knot You've Never Heard of


Dakar, Senegal - Mind Blowing West African City


Boggie Woogie Dance Improv


Filthy Britain Standup Critique


El Cid - Epic Feature Film Oscar Nominated with Charlton Heston, Sophia Loren


Tibetan Buddhist Mantra Explained


Ryuichi Sakamoto- Opus




Montag, 4. September 2023

How to Escape America For Good


Why Living in Portugal Doesn't Work For Most Americans


Long Duration Energy Storage


US Regime Change in Latin America


US Debt Explosion


Child Sacrifice: Ugandan Witchcraft and Shamanism

One thinks of Abraham commanded by the lord to kill Isaac, his eldest son. This must go back a long way. 

How Would Life Be Without Computers?


What Europeans Do That Americans Are So Afraid Of


Occult Q&A : Astral Realm, Conspiracies, Shamanism, Mental Health, My Practie


Sonntag, 3. September 2023

Leaving America

Couple left for Ecuador, saved 90% on medical, large amounts on utilities. 9 million expats and increasing. USA is a rip off!

The Problem With Cars or How Driving is Ruining Our Lives


How Just Living in Europe Made Me Healthy


Fight to Promote Women's Equality in Sports

Excellent here. Obviously a male at precisely the same level must outperform a female due to sheer strength, speed but why earn millions, why discriminate, ignore their competitions altogether. It seems women' s gymnastics gets high attention. Unfortunately youtube videos of diving or beach volleyball focus on the current fad of butts being exposed and have zero interest in the competition itself. I recall academic competitiveness in school, some girls inevitably being better than me, even in chess being beaten. Logically I never can be best, most flexible in yoga, my favorite sport and women outdo me in everything possible. Men as well of course. No one is best at everything. We muddle through. Once you get used to this you start by comparing yourself to your previous results to see progress or see how you feel in different hobbies, how you develop in general. Life is short and playing " king of the hill" is a waste of time. Losing to women gracefully while admiring their playing style, beauty and grace and making profuse compliments could be the begining of a romantic adventure. Maybe they lose happily in bed but are competitive elsewhere. Who knows? Wisdom is varied. Casanova as a modern guy would have written on this topic. 

 My wife earns double my hourly wage, works half time, but has enormous stress on the job, needs extended vacations away. I am slow, relaxed kind of guy, not the very fast on the uptake, high paced go getter she is, so I like my slow paced congeniality with which she would die of boredom. Everyone is different. I think personality not just sex, makes all the difference, also birth order, in competitiveness. Oldest siblings are naturally more competitive generally, though not always. Fire signs ( sun sign) or well placed mars in fire sign can make very ambitious in sports competition. My mars is in virgo. I like routine, easy office job or cleaning, long walks and yoga. My mars is in opposition to my sun. This means I avoid conflict, i.e. competition, smooth over things. 

I know this youtube lady is scientific, likes psychology but perhaps a more nuanced approach would do. Of course even that is determined by horoscope. Saturn in pisces is interested in astrology, so there I am again in my own element. Why judge what others should do. Is feminism worn out, peaked out? Now men are changing sex to outcompete women. This is really unfair. Imagine women in general in all sports retiring after ten years of age as " boys" switch over and take all the medals, even in beauty contests. Real feminists have a whole new fight on their hands.

Watching around 8 minutes into the video her describing how women, girls are afraid to play with all their strength. I relate to that as shy, youngest, mama's son, intellectually bred, while my aggressive older brothers took after my working class father. I learned to really be assertive, physically self confident by having a physical job after I was 45. School desk, university, office work did not teach me to be mean, angry, physically flexible, fast. Also I overcame this sort of problem by spirituality(kundalini activates core energies dormant in one, awakening muscle- nerve connections). When a farmboy or labourer instinctively moves quickly he learns that extremely young. Genteel people are naturally inhibited. My mother seemed to me quite lazy, unmotivated physically but intellectually outstanding. My father was more balanced. Sports as hobby can only bring so much results. When society as a whole lives sitting in desks, on couches, before screens, becomes well mannered, polite and yes, lazy then the body slowly becomes less useful. The mind follows. So comes societal collapse. Barbarians invade as we live for pleasure, hedonism. 

I work in a hospital and doctors are becoming mostly female. Culture can change. Now of course in general economicall young me are discouraged as girls are better, taking their place. They retreat into low level jobs. Women take the high ground and perhaps refuse men earning less as partners. So family formation, fertility declines. So solve one problem for women's rights and create another one. Life is a conundrum.

Alessandro Safina sings Luna feat. Mezzo, in Almaty Kazhakstan


Teen Slang . Got Rizz?


Pre-Historic Cypriot Religion, Basis of Bible Stories?


2nd Toe Bigger or Smaller? Personality Test

Mine are same,can%20be%20impulsive%20at%20times.

Don't Raise Vibration Too Fast, Stay Grounded!


Snail Loves Milk


Donate to Trump's Defense?


Samstag, 2. September 2023

Peer Review: A Broken System


Day Spent With Asexuals


Scientifically Proven Techniques For a Woman to Improve Her Orgasms!

If I had a sister or close female friend I cared about but was too embarrassed to discuss this with I might point her to such sources. Certainly happiness often depends on mechanical technique increasing pleasure. My meditation this morning brought such peace and then the massive energy surge was incredible. Most people however use orgasm to acheive anything approaching such states. Maybe with increased life experience they can transmute sexual energies tantrically or in meditation and have unlimited pleasure independent of a partner, making themselves more independent, less worried about fickle relationship problems. In early years reproduction is so important. Later one builds on general emotional maturity resulting from deep emotional learning turning this into spirituality, if we choose such a path of refinement through yoga, meditation or similar and reduce sexual(ejaculation in sex, masturbation) and other material obsessions(food, consumerism) then later life stages as a senior can become full of life wisdom.

Small Town Russia


Why you Have an Accent in a Foreign Language


Which Type of Witch are You? 20 Sorts


Secret of Synchronization


Old Souls Listen

He says we reconnect with past lives to accumulate knowledge. I know psychology teaches integrating, healing childhood trauma. This is similar. I feel this is happening to me and for that one needs meditation, lots of energy work. I dreamt of very old times then read archaeology discoveries with graves. Maybe I tap into common memories of us all, not just personal ones. I feel people when I see their photos sometimes but also dead celebrities lie Marilyn or Einstein. I at first found this strange. What am I contacting? If one reads old books then feels the spirit of the dead author, shakespeare, aurobind then are they still wandering as a ghost? At any rate integration of past life experiences( starvation, war, disasters, death in childbirth) could help put everything in perspective. I dreamt of a bear in a middle ages setting, also my dog became more sabre toothed. Am I reliving long past ages? Why are we so focused on this moment, work worries, love sickness, hobbies? If we are very long lived on earth then tapping into memories could make us wiser as if we were thousands of years old. Perhaps we are much older, came from other galaxies as souls, milllions of years ago. Tapping into such memories could help intergalactic travel, human evolution.

2 Tbsp Olive Oil Daily


Typhoon Saola in Hong Kong, Guandong


Freitag, 1. September 2023

25 Days in Canada's Wild North Wilderness


Puebla en Movimiento


Alan Watts on Religion: They Made it All Up

I used to think like that. Lots of religious writings are most certainly propagandistic. But what is the core truth? Why did Jesus, Buddha attract such followings? 

Are We Really Ready For a Virtual World?


Afro-Latinas and Colorism


Memory System


Why Spotify Keeps Losing Money


The Age of Influencers