Sonntag, 24. März 2024

Taoist Sexual Practice

In old-school Taoist lovemaking, ejaculation was seen as a drain on your essential life energy, though some say that point has since been over-exaggerated. But since sexual union itself is so important in Taoism, what you can take from it is;

Learning to embrace the journey rather than racing to the finish.

Taoist sex can teach modern men a lot about controlling their orgasms. The philosophy is particularly big on withdrawing frequently during sex, practicing breath control, and using perineal massages to delay ejaculation or avoid it completely. Many Taoists believe very short sexual unions are bad for the energy and harmony between the couple.

You may not believe in all the energy stuff, but with practice, you can totally learn to keep yourself on the brink of coming for long, mind-blowing and even multiple orgasms. The two biggest things you can start right now are practicing slowing your breathing during sex for a more relaxed body and better control, along with strengthening your pelvic floor muscles with daily kegel exercises

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Self control, slowing down, repeating and when controlmight finally be lost block ejaculation by grabbing root of penis to block it. Sex can continue for a long time. My chakras were active due to my practices and my non practicing wife would feel her third eye etc during lovemaking. Importantly I never needed condoms, she needed no pills and our rocky relationship grew as sex strengthened our energy together. Ejaculation weakens energy body. Avoid it and improve sex and self control. If partner is not a yogi, meditator and you are then this is the way of involving them.

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