Samstag, 27. Juli 2024

Controversy About Gay, Trans Parody of Christian Tradition in Olympia Opening Ceremony

Now, I was baptized Catholic but don't attend regularly. I do yoga and my faith has shifted to Hinduism. The term blasphemy is however known to me. That the state would allow the official religion in the Western world to be openly blasphemed without fear of backlash speaks of foolhardiness. If I were the Pope I would excommunicate or speak a fatwa of sorts against all involved and those allowing such sacrilege. In the New testament homosexuality is clearly condemned. This seems to be the reason behind this performance, as only by condemning conservative religion can gays justify their ideology. There seems to be a collision inevitable between both ideologies or groups in the West. Freedom is the basis of democracy. However I imagine some groups are more protected than others. If a clearly mocking portrayal of gays or perhaps Muslims were made at the Opening Ceremony this would be massively condemned and lead to severe consequences. Are Christians now the Jew of WWII, without rights, condemned to death? Should they all wear a yellow cross knitted on their clothes to signify their belief? When will Nero come to burn them all on stakes? Martyrdom seems near. The press is silent. 

I for one encourage an absolute boycott in every sense and of the Olympic movement until a full apology ensues. I have only heard in recent decades condemnation of Muslim anger towards disrespect shown towards their beliefs by Western atheists and skeptics. If I were a Christian athlete I would threaten non performance. I am certain many athletes are horrified and they should demand serious consequences. 
There was global condemnation. Worse should follow. Free speech does not allow nowadays for open  antisemitism or racism and Christianity and Islam, etc. should be treated in the same way. Politics is a field of debate and not sacred. Every party is open to criticism. However discrimination due to sex, race, religion is forbidden. It seems to me that the artists here have abrogated for themselves to be above that like stand up comics making racist jokes about whomever. Perhaps allowable in a private setting at a club but not state sanctioned in a global setting.

The old saying was first the came for the Jews, then for the communists, then the socialists and now for me. 

They made Muhammad cartoons to test the waters. Now they ridicule Christianity. Before homosexuals were restricted. Once they gained lots of power they start to persecute others cautiously and then more openly. This must be seen for what it is and stopped. Conservative beliefs, families are traditional part of society and encouraging the destruction of family life is not useful for the state's existence. 

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