Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2024

Serial Executions of Gaza Kids by Israeli Snipers 

What causes such behavior? Who could do such things? Why does it seem that evil always wins? I read somewhere that perhaps a quarter million people are buried under the rubble. I am reminded of the Psalm where it says not to fear as ten thousand of your enemy will fall on your right side, you will be safe. They are taking that as an instruction manual. The Bhagavad gita allowed a civil war against equals but not such barbarity, much less Buddhist or Christian doctrine. I suppose in total war what America did in letting a half million Iraqi children die due to sanctions makes Israel seem kind. Starvation is cruel,a gunshot to the head is merciful. I read a story where a guru's s follower was in despair hearing how Genghis Khan had a 100,000 people captive following his troops but had no food for them. When asked what to do, he said to kill them all. The guru's follower despaired of such evil and killed himself. Having grown up hearing of Hiroshima, Auschwitz, Vietnam I am hardened. This behavior is horrendous and out of a snuff film from illegal productions. Mexican drug cartels could not do worse. Israelis keep protesting to get back their several hostages. Do they know of what is happening? Do they care? Did Americans care about Libya, Iraq, Vietnam where literally millions died and we never declared war? It seems Israel is copying US behavior and it is essentially evil. Obviously we should praise them for efficient use of ammunition and speedy destruction of the enemy. The more the merrier. Mordor has found a good disciple. We learned this behavior perhaps fighting Nazis and became too much like them. We are now passing on this behavior. Will Germany copy this as well, relearning this great evil after they had forsworn it in an ironic twist? There are 8 billion people alive and shooting practice enough for all the psychopaths alive if they just join the right cause and the righteous one.

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