Dienstag, 30. Juli 2024

Stabbing Spree

The teen accused is I heard Ali Al Shakti from Syria, a civil war country. One thing is to see immigrants' from poor, violent cultures be criminal and brutal but such insane attacks as this one can only be explained by war trauma. Otherwise mass murders are generally white males ticking out under social pressures, perhaps on antidepressants that screw up the brain. 

Discussion of Leftist vs. Right-wing attitudes to such crimes

This discussion reminds me of the American knee jerk gun control discussion by each mass shooting. In Europe the 'gun' issue is foreign descent. That is called a race problem in America and to be expected and hidden behind statistics as the races are native born.

I wonder if anything will ever come of this. We as the West fund wars, destabilize regions, then import kindly the refugees we caused by our noble conflicts. Our countries are then destabilized. Perhaps we will become like those countries slowly, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. and be poor, unstable. Eventually our economies will not function due to Hyperinflation, low productivity while other countries with more strict policies will become powerful militarily, economically. We will go to their world bank for a stabilizing loan. Our welfare state will collapse. People will sink slowly into poverty. Whoever can go will flee. Foreigners back home as there is no advantage in Europe anymore and natives to America, Australia, Canada if possible. Russians, Eastern Europeans might return to their previously impoverished backwaters to find them now relatively well off. Essentially Western European excessive wealth and power could be equalled out in the rest of the world. Chinese, Indian, Russian living standard increase. Middle East could become developed by investment. The West was for millenia a poor backwater, isolated until Atlantic Ocean travel and colonialism was taken advantage of. Once Eurasia gets it's act into motion the old situation could return. Our complacency, sitting on our laurels is the problem. 


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