Dienstag, 14. Juli 2020

A Poem to constant change

I keep falling in and out of love
next one will always be better
got mysellf reassured
gotta be something more
gotta be a higher place 
but I need your grounding 
so that I don't fly off too high
so I remember why
why I am here
why we were all born 
to this planet earth
my head keeps expanding
but my heart does too
it is the foundation
has to grow wide
so wisdom can come too
jnana is cool don't ya know
but without bhakti a real drag
you got a good balance 
between heart, mind and body
got an original spark 
creative juices flowing
I feed off your source
enjoy the good vibes
I think you feel my vibrations
makes you feel more alive
our symbiosis is a good thing
go get grown up
throw your hat in the ring
any boy will be eager to give it a whirl
maybe you are his type of girl
meantime I keep loving
out of bad habit more or less
like my cat needs me to pet
scratches when I wake her from bed
honeymoon ain't forever
this shit comes everytime
go find out yourself
go have a good time
next come the babies and the man takes second place
life has its seasons
it all tears you down
comes all those wrinkles
from smiles, from frowns
youth has energy
youth has its flare
then comes the hard part
no more dancing on air
you started early
hard work your forté
from cradle almost
trying to get somewhere
enjoy the breeze
sinshine's a good thing
don't give in to pressure
time goes by like the spring
like flowers in blossom
next day they are gone
if immortality exists
then the lotus never closes
summer forever but no personal attachments
can we help each other feel this
to climb this steep mountain
love is a duty not a feeling of the moment
climb its steep slope 
you never lost that hope
being somebody
your hollywood dream
gotta be more internalized
make self from inside
don't give a damn what they think
they are all in your mind
but you seem to flow with that
attention is a drug
performance comes easy
so long as private spaces to hug
just be creative
let those juices flow
then your spirit can grow
one day in the spirit of trees
next one in the book
another with doggy
and then sweating out bricks
painting and writing
dressing up to the nines
out with your girlies
having a good time
veggie burger and shake
handstand to boot
from muladhara root
to sahasrara in head
you're all heart
spreading out everywhere
so the universe feels you
your infinity rhyme
I grow beyond one stage
I feel then the next
romance is just foretaste
tantra-like go beyond
when I feel the heavens
maybe I can give this to you
my growth can be yours
when the sexiness idles
you can sense the samadhi
I can boost you up there
we all need each other
boredom is so true
don't get caught in that trap
god's love always grows
stick around for the ride
keep forcing my hand
I don't need empty religion
empty words from a book
burning bush and the voice
that spoke to moses
walking on water
levitating no hands
gotta learn to expand
learn to get free
from self imposed limits
pop music type of thing
oh give me a break
in the end all we get is heartache
I know god is real
still can't find that alone
need friends by my side
need like minded kind
not ridicule, disdain
hurting my pride
love keeps changing
as my chakras expand
i can't control that
it's a master plan
being too needy
not giving freely
no I want hands off
but not cynicism
watch that plant grow
let that bird leave the nest
outgrow me, surpass me
that is always the best
fly higher, shine brighter
find the grail, transform yourself
then I will bow down 
worship with a wink in my eye
remember sweetness of youth
that once caught me off guard
until then my poetry will 
dance in your mind.

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