Dienstag, 28. Juli 2020

REM -. Everybody Hurts / Sorcer's Apprentice - Disney

more relaxed and grounded today. Last couple of weeks been odd. Moving on to second of three volums of Tirumandiram. Problem with reading it is it changes me so I gotta go slow. 2 weeks ago I read 40 pages at a sitting. Physically not at all difficult but this stuff is weird. Fantasy books talk of magic books but essentially once you transform yourself to a certain point after many years then the magic book works, othefwise it is just a text like any other. Now I go slow with it, like with meditation or something like that or medication. So those 40 pages changed my nervous system and I am just getting used to a new state. Chill, be happy. Don't space out. It is like the saying ' fools rush in where angels fear to tread' or the sorcerer's apprentice. Here Mickey Mouse playing the part I have been feeling recently. Tirumular and other Sddhas are the sorcerers in my case.

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