Montag, 27. Juli 2020

Yoga and Dissociation to Integration

I recall the story of Vivekananda and Ramakrishna. V. says "Oh God I'vde lost my body" and Ramakrishna just laughs. I remember the weird sensations I had from just my first year doing yoga and soham !antra with beads where my head felt weird disconnected from body while sitting at computer in office 25 years ago. Yesterday I was being rational, distanced but emotionless, sort of dissociating, without connection to my current experience. This is being in your head chakras too much. I started connecting again about 8 pm amd the energy has been flowing since then even in sleep very intensely. My rationality howevr has allowed it to balance out, be observed, not get emotional overwhelm. So maybe my head chakras were blocked and now energy is free flowing and both parts can work better togethr in harmony. This stuff can be a bit frightening but I suppose it heals and brimgs us up to higher levels. I thought of the concept of enlightenment again and perhaps the 8th chakra is that beyond the head. Once the foundation in body, head is stable then no. 8 can open up. My idea is that it is like a pyramid or iceberg with lower chakras broader, more exxperienced, evolutionarily perhaps and for example getting past selfish childhood, animality we open our hearts but that takes lots of work and energy. Then over time head chakras grow slowly and maybe it all ties into being one stable system without blockages between the parts, a single foundational experience of being in this body from toe to crown and this is the foundation to open no. 8 which is outside and connects us to some wondrous reality beyond comprehension. This is why I see headtrip enlightenment as super dangerous, like why some people are psychotic, schizophrenic as they dissociate, disconnect.  We need our bodies, our hearts. Thoughts must be still in samadhi and feelings also so this is only possible if body balances brain, instinct and mind still each other and then we can move forward, expand body- mind consciousness, with our feet on the ground firmly rooted. In short Siva without Sakti is lost.

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