Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2020

Indications of fame in a birth chart 

sounds interesting. My sun is at 17 and mercury at 29 degrees in pisces so I ought to be famous for what, not sure. My ascendant is at aries point (1 degree) start of capricorn which is cardinal beginning. Aries degree starts something particularly in ascendant and at cardinal point this is political. This is square to my mercury in pisces standing for fame, just before aries cardinal point. Those points for fame are in third house, meaning communications, so the little access I have to getting fame is by internet. Interesting read. Lots more about tenth house, 11th house, wealth, fans. Interesting odd read.

I was looking for relation between Saturn and Jupiter in birth chart. Many with conjunction or in year of conjunction(1940,60,80,00) are more serious about social issues than others, like John Lennon. My year, 1965 has its strengths but Jupiter Saturn are in a quintile, cooperating creatively. When we consider our attitude to politics, social issues we must look at the relationship between those planetts and the signs. In 2000 they were in Taurus. those born then will be into environmental matters. The next birth year 2020 will be now in aquarius. New tech will be the emphasis of this serious crowd although mostly it was in capricorn through the bulk of 2020 so they will focus on reform of system. When the two were in opposition like in 70, 90,2010 political focus dissipates entirely and social responsibility, seriousness perhaps for those born then. 

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