Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2020

Sunday snapshots

Last photo I made seems to have been end of August as I got my last haircut. Post is titled haircut on 31st. Do I look different due to new diet, intermittent fasting? Thinner face? I think I feel more lively, think faster, been more sensitive or aggressive. Moon node moving closer to conjunction in two months with eclipse and grand conjunction near year's end. Interesting to see, feel real personal change. Politics, state of world go downhill mostly but in every cloud there is a silver lining. Human exctinction could bring about a great new cockroach civilization and save the planet for radioactive resistant species to live on suns surfaces across the universe. We started it all, a galactic civilization of radioactive cockroaches. God works in mysterious ways! Happy halloween full moon next week. Greet the goblins coming from beneath their graves.

Lopsided smile
Serious bored with halfclosed eyelid


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