Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2020

Workout routine

 Meditation this morning - Like a pillar going through middel. Sahasrara, crown chakra is like an opening of a hose pourring energy in. The brain, throat, heart, lungs, innards/gut, sexual organs are in the middle of the body like a cone and absorb this energy, get massaged, energized by it. Previously energy was external on chakra surface, muscles but it is getting more internal. Next step cell level? How does that feel? I feel windings of intestine being massaged inside by energy whereas earler heat was on surface chakra front and back for example or stomach would pump involuntarily. So there is a depth progression. Whole brain massage instead of third eye, etc. 

2 hours yoga. The difficult gets easy or possible, the impossible gets possible or in reach and a path is laid down for progress. Loosen up hamstrings, thighs, inner legs. This progress also helps intensify energy flow during meditation as channels are stabilized., stretched. So in a month or so lots of change will occur in asanas allowing lots of flexibility. 

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