Eclipse means nodes align with full moon. Nodes awaken kundalini. I nearly always find a large enrgy surge at such times. This was no different. I had a week off, fairly boring externally, hanging around, except my energy grew. Back to work I was depressed, getting back into rhythym, but I find my internal energy is higher. Chakras burn stronger and meridiand between them. Being depressed seemed to help that. In an earler article here it says that spiritual development, at least at the beginning, comes less from prayer, practibce and more from crisis, getting triggered at a deeper level. If one feels helpless, despondent then focus goes much deper, slower. I guess time stops or something, an explosion occurs and old patterns which are the foundation of your current trauma get swept away in a tidal wave of energy as the brain and nervous system get rewired. Nodal returns, eclipse or full and new moons can trigger this. One notices this effect. Getting used to it is another matter.
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