Freitag, 21. Mai 2021

Kundalini Consortium Blog, Podcast, Books ,My speculation on human identity, sexuality and ego 

They have books and blog and podcasts also discussing the connection between sexuality and kundalini among other things. Considering in certain life phases we are malleable in terms of personality development(pre age 7, therefore multiple personality or D.I.D), sexuality( youth years therefore sexual body dysphoria including alternate sexuality of all sorts) then it is clear that biology is a fine tuned mechanism. Sexual orientation and even our singular identity cannot be taken for granted. DID percentages are around 1% generally but increase to 2% in inner cities with high stress. Sexual orientation problems of all sorts are about 4-5%. Perhaps now that this is acceptable social behavior it will not be labeled malfunction or socially undesirable as in previous centuries or eras. DID was rarer and mislabeled, like schizophrenia, etc as demon possession. Trying to look at these phenomena abstractly as developmental wiithout qualification from the point of view of spiritual enlightenment or scientific search for absolute truth of the organism helps us to better understand our evolutionary progress. Kundalini awakening gets at the root core of personality, identity and sexuality. This energy heals deeper egoic problems. Certainly DID is very complicated and is not conducive to simple medication. Combining many personalities again into one is a difficult job of years of professional therapy. Sexual disorientation is a general teen and young adult problem which seems to be very flexible and related to genetics and environment. So it has become a politicum for various groups trying to influence youth either towards conservative or more modern concepts of gender fluidity. Given the increasing statistical commoness of alternate sexuality among younger generations, this tactic seems to be winning to some extent for the alternate camp. The long term goal here is the question. If kundalini rolls back our identity completely to ground zero as a healing mechanism, repairing all trauma via biological methods then the two initial phases, based in the mula chakra, constituting the first seven years and DID illness and the sexual chakra, constituting the second  seven years, 7-14, and gender orientation, would be covered by a kundalini awakening, if trauma caused identity or gender orientation problems and not genetic organic differences. Later dysfunctions from 14-21 could be tied to the third chakra for example aggressive controlling behavior, narcissism. We could continue this, presuming that a true open hearted love life, including for our own offspring, would develop naturally from the heart chakra between 21-28, when in general throughout history family formation takes place. By this estimate, if I calculate correctly, every 50 year old should be enlightened in their crown chakra! I wish this were so. Obviously DID can be lived with and in our modern society a varied gender identity is not dysfunctional, as the 1950s family structure is just one alternative. However we see the problems of exporting this as a norm to more traditional cultures as a ' human right'. The cultural traditions of thousands of years have established normative behaviors. Modern life has altered these norms considerably it seems. Similarly aggressive and greedy, militaristic, even sociopathic behavior, typical of our modern leaders in politics and business has been exported globally. The environmental destruction, military competitiveness necessitated by a desire for more wealth by all is a deadly zero sum game based on a dysfunctional third chakra. The Western world praises this as puritan work ethic, patriotism, etc. So from a spiritual standpoint if one becomes hampered at any stage, alternate routes are opened, which can actually be very interesting, enticing and amazing. The young child has imaginary friends and various personalities in reality and can block off memory wilfully becoming amnesiac to unhappy occurences. The youth can experience sexuality absolutely flluidly depending on how it is influenced in this regard by its environment and the young adult after 14 is very susceptible to ego driven manias to acheive success. However positive all of this may seem and many get stuck on the significance of these stages, 1% are in DID, 4-5% various gender alternatives and perhaps a third or more of us are living in the rat race with no deeper sense of reason. Getting to a fulfilling heart chakra life is an important individual and cultural phase. Condemning someone for having a great career, lots of lovers perhaps of both sexes or occasional dissociation due to childhood trauma is wrong. They can still have all of that and be full of love. We learn however as we get older that sexual prowess/orientation or identity or acheivements are not as critical as the deeper love we feel for others, and what we give back, not what we get from them. Mostly trying to detransition or convert from gay to straight or heal from DID or get out of a basic workaholic lifestyle is nearly impossible and undesirable once the personality is so hardwired from childhood, youth, young adulthood. However spirituality can open up our hearts to give more meaning to all our actions and relationships.

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