Sonntag, 23. Mai 2021

Education as Indoctrination - Chomsky

He says around minute 5 that great ideas are found which we then all regurgitate. He also mentions Japanese conformism. I was thinking of stories from Jan Wilem van de Wetering of his experiences in Japan and American Zen communities which I read decades ago. Buddhism was revolutionary in its time but became institutionalized and boring as the Catholic church in Italy. I recall his comments I believe of how zen buddhist monks in middle ages were seen as sexy by women, magnetic. This is of course radical and dynamic and shows they were undergoing an inner transformation, against societal norms. I experience similar with my spirituality but know that it can be reduced to an empty 10 minute daily meditation, self awareness trope so that one conforms better in the corporate world without being overly religious( right wing conservative) but still having the positive tinge of spirituality. 

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