Dienstag, 10. August 2021

Birth Order and Relationships


I read a few articles. This discusses a detailed book on the subject. For example oldest daughter, oldest son, father was oldest or middle child or what happened to birth order when an older sibling died. It states in one paragraph that platonic relationships are based on similarities, two youngest or oldest children, male or female as friends vs oldest son,/ youngest daughter fulfilling specific roles in a marriage through hard wired habit of personality trait. This is more my experience. As youngest son I am easygoing entertainer, married to an oldest daughter who takes control of social, physical, financial situation and is conservative, responsible. My older brothers do not like her as she is too bossy for their tastes. I relish the fighting however in an odd way and do not take it personally, as they seem to. Friendships for me OTOH are more with youngest children or middle children of either sex. One focuses in these relationships on interests, hobbies, etc and not on establishing a complete structure, as in a family with specialization, like in a factory or business, focused on productivity. Friendship is just for fun, a getaway frim life. I suppose the habits of childhood take over. I only respect an authority figure to give me orders and this person must be inherently authoritative. In friendship I don' t need being ordered about. Anyway, we all have our general experiences in this. I thought about this idea before I learned of astrological psychology but never read in as much detail about it until now. It is an interesting field of study.

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