Donnerstag, 30. September 2021

The Whole History of Earth and Life


Jonna Jinton ep 56


Meditating enlarges prefrontal cortex, reduces depression


Ram Dass on our identities


US democracy problem


Greening of Paris


Science and Spirituality

Adult Anxiety, poor relationships related to childhood problems 

If you find a fear of deepening relationships, like related to childhood fears of dark, monsters under bed, in closet at night then it could all be related to depth of love being not as much as needed or outright neglect or abuse from caregivers. Healing this to go deeper now, to enable fearless opening of heart and body is important, crucial in personal growth story. Recognition of the problem and getting at its roots, going beyond just trying to please internal parents with ambitious goals, instead fulfilling own true needs is important. 

Samstag, 25. September 2021

Flimsy American Homes


Did Christians Reallly Destroy the Classical World?


Ramana Maharshi Ashram Tour


First Slavic Tribes


Biking in the Snow: Canadians can' t, Finns can


The Science of Happiness, Motivatiin and Meaning


Causes of Adrenal Fatigue- Sleep deprivation, stress


The Picts


Freitag, 24. September 2021

Donnerstag, 23. September 2021

On Penicillin


Streets vs Roads


War wiith China- 60 Minutes Australia reports


Be in the Now - Meditation as Future Health Revolution No Brainer


Ancient vs Modern Wealth


Mind Controlled Prosthetics


Healing Root Trauma - Teal Swan


Psychedelics - Hubermann Podcast


Mittwoch, 22. September 2021

End of Nato 

Moscow From the Air


Exercise in Old Age


How Blind People See Using Sound


Biafran Independence Movement in Nigeria


Bee Swarms are Like a Giant Mind


Early Germanic Warriors


Paris Micro Apartment


Link Between Gut and Depression


Dienstag, 21. September 2021


 I learn to improve my chakra energy from someone and then pass this on to someone else, challenging their capacity. Days later I notice their nervous system has adapted, becoming more stronger, organized. It is important to open yourself up to new people who challenge you and your limited abilities. This is true in any area of life. You can then upgrade and not just yourself but also your friends. Win win situation. At first this can be very stressful and confusing adapting to new talents, speeds, feelings but in time you are coasting. 

Enjoy Being Alone


Classical Education


Buildings Make us Ill


Cleaning Helps Meditate


Exotic Indoor Plants


Ancestral Transformation


Sour US chocolate


Classic Film Beauties


Montag, 20. September 2021

What is Spirituality?


Why are Frontyard Businesses Illegal?


Lost Mississippian Culture


Did God Evolve?


Modern Science is Terrible


Sadhguru on historical guru's different approaches and spirituality vs traditional religion


Pproject Drawdown - Reversing Global Warming


Mushroom Trip Integration

Sounds like kundalini. Latter is continual, gradual, internal and not from external chemicals. This means it is also hard to stop it of course.

Sonntag, 19. September 2021

China's Big Bet

China was our cheap offshore labor, then big new market and hope for a new partner like Western Europe. Now our hopes are dashed. Perhaps the mass producztion will go elsewhere so that cheap production is not out of reach for walmart and apple but this offers a new opportunity for the world to unite against a perceived enemy. I wonder if China goes too far and the West changes its attitude towards Russia if a pure authoritarian China could be absolutely isolated Also the internal strife in America and elsewhere based on core values could be set aside to rebuild against this new iron curtain country. This would be welcome as identity politics and similar could be forgotten in a national rebuilding effort.

Work for Foreigners in China


Mushroom Trip Report


Sounds positive in comparison to uncontrolled 60s counterculture usage.

God or not according to Buddha


Multinationals Leave China

The video spends the first half on samsung but gets general in second half. CCP harasment, Chinese nationalism is driving away foreign companies, investments. Many cities production is 2/3 foreign and 100 million jobs are at stake with high wages. So take away best jobs, foreign know how and give it to Vietnam, Bangladesh, etc. China will decline.


Drug use in Antiquity


Build Mental Models to Enhance Your Focus


Surrender vs Submission in Romance 

I have been struggling with this vis-a- vis romance and God. Is God arbitrary, mran even, expecting submission to dictates of a cold universe or is surrender positive? Since kundalini awakening energy has increased in my body. This means I am less matter and more spirit. More percent of me is free roaming, unpredictable, uncontrollable. I have to therefore trust God proportionally more than when I was a cold, emotionless materialist, This is similar to romantic surrender where one gives oneself up to the other and relies on intuitiin and feeling not routine, structure. The deeper God or a person's energies penetrate me, the more my sense of control or ego is destroyed. Mysticism and romance are quite similar.

Colder Winters in Northern Hemisphere due to Climate Change


Samstag, 18. September 2021

Wooden 5 Story Apartment Blocks Fad in USA


Russia's Melting Permafrost


The Death of the American Gangster Film


Walking Robot Dogs Developed for Martian and Lunar Exploration


Megafauna Disappearance


How Humans Lost their Fur


Ancient Vedic Sciences


Our ancestors Risky paleo diet


When we first talked


Freitag, 17. September 2021

Montag, 13. September 2021

US run by financial oligarchy (1993)


China Won't Rule the World

I can accept most of what this video says about China. It does not deal however with American imperialism and oligarchic power structure destroying itself also from within. Perhaps both will eventually collapse and a more regional based instead of global economy will emerge in the next generation or so as fossil fuels become too expensive for shipping and dirt cheap mass production and shipping of steel, cars, electronics, consumer goods globally. Then growth will stop economically and demographically, as that just causes environmental destruction anyway. Any global system needing a global police would then be unnecessary. Regional ethnic blocs with mutual cultural ties would dominate. The last 500 years of European conquest would not be replaced as the Americans have done with a new hegemon but from Eurasia. Regional autarchism in regions would occur. Factories would return home. It is like the obvious question of truly banning cars is unacceptable, also banning international shipping of goods when pekple could eat and produce most things locally and that many things are just expendable, useless. Fast fashion, plastic toys, exotic foods can all be eliminated without starvation, hardship like China suffered, losing 50 million to starvation trying to fulfill export wheat quotas for ego of Mao. This reversal of globalization will slowly happen as transport becomes unaffordale except for the most expensive and exotic and long holding goods as in ancient times, namely dried powdered spices. America cannot be undiscovered of course. Chinese communism will likely disappear to be replaced by a dictator who establishes an hereditary monarchy. Once the electrical grid gives out, total surveillance will disappear everywhere. This will not bring freedom to anyone anymore than the wild days of the internet with its new found rough and tumble of online forums brought us true freedom. Power structures eventually take over new systems after a while and slowly people cook up new ideas, leading to new revolutions of thought, bypassing the old. Like the dinosaurs in the Jurassic park who learned to reproduce asexuall, nature always finds a way. My odd experience with kundalini awakening has shown me that life can become like experienced sci- fi. Perhaps psi powers could be a part of our future for a select few as needed for human survival as a whole. Evolution in this sense takes long time periods. Translating some psi power into an inheritable or trainable skill, devoid of all religious or spiritual overtones ( buddhist, sufi, etc) is hard as these energies create euphoria, sexual feelings and so on and change nervous system function so much. New development or expansion of internal organs, connected to the chakras, would be neccessary and a strengthening of our nervous system to support higher levels of chi type energies throughout. Anyway if we don' t go extinct then we must change in some fundamental fashion but for now this civilization seems to have hit peak funtionality some time ago.


Mantra Effects

 I use mantra chanting daily, mostly whil biking back and forth from work, in my head silently. I have a different mantra for each day of the week from the kriya yoga initiations I had about 20 years ago. I use my guru' s picture also. It started a year ago maybe that I could feel some energy there. Since the last week this is much stronger, flowing strongly through my body and even holding this energy duing the day, feeling its effects. I noticed a couple days ago that saying the mantras has similar strong effects, pulling energy through my whole body, making me have a high, dizzying, swirling effect. I credit this all to a greater degree of surrender to God. I cannot control what happens in the world. God has reasons for things, uses us as tools in a grand plan. The more I egotistically attempt to control or change things, the less I will accomp!ish or understand. This I mean particularly regarding in spiritual matters regarding energy. Daily physical life moves slower, is easier to understand as it is less chaotic. Emotional, spiritual, attitudinal matters inside of us or between us or between us and God ebb and flow, grow over time. I am very glad to see such enormous technical progress inside my energy body. This comes not by trying to be a big shot like some evil emperor in star wars but through a desperate sense of losing identity, control and surrendering to a higher power' s guidance. 

Jai Babaji!

2nd Vaccination Pfizer Biontech

 Went to a regional center and got the shot. Supposed to take it easy next few days.

Sonntag, 12. September 2021

Big Smoke - Tash Sultana


Fleetwood Mac - The Chain


Most Influential Photographers


How an Artist Turns Pro


Foreign Accent Syndrome


Irish McCalla


Reinhold Messner


Escape from Sick Society


Graphene Battery Breakthrough




Samstag, 11. September 2021

Sonntag, 5. September 2021

Amsterdam Metro


Blood Brothers - Trailer


Bond Trailer


Why We Dream


Rare LA Photos


Next Level Computer Chips


Pattern Completion Theory 

I stumbled across this article. People with aspect patterns have these expanded in contact with others in synastry making for a more interesting relationship overall.

Regular Horoscope Transits with Aspect Patterns

 My horoscope looks like a rectangle with four main points in pisces, taurus, virgo and scorpio. This looks like a billiard table. Whenever any planet transits, particularly directly in conjunction to one of these corners then the effect is sent around to all the other planets immediately for the duration of the transit. Recently Mars went by several of my planets in Virgo and now the Sun is currently opposite my natal sun, venus, saturn and conjunct my natal Uranus, trine moon and jupiter, sextile Neptune. The conjunction is probably most important but if the planet were without planetary aspects it would be less useful. Uranus is currently in trine to the sun and in approaching my moon in Taurus. So Uranus is trine my natal Uranus. This of course holds for my whole age group. This is a very interesting and useful thing about analyzing outer planets. You can understand what all your contemporaries are going through emotionally by just reading up on saturn transit your natal uranus or similar, knowing that everyone is having the same mood problems. 

Here is a description of some aspect patterns. This is important to understanding one' s personality:

Aspect patterns and transits

Having an aspect pattern in your natal chart invites for more careful observations of transits. Such time periods bring significant changes and also allow for rearrangements to take place.

A good approach is to pay attention to transiting planets that match those found in the pattern. For example, having an easy opposition with Venus being the “easing” force can be read as an invitation to watch Venus transits over natal Venus position, as well as the other two planets involved.

Practicing note taking during those periods may prove extremely valuable as you will begin to notice certain repetitions of circumstances around those periods. And this allow to introduce a powerful method for changing those circumstances.

If at the moment of transit you make a conscious choice tangential to usual “default” behaviour, a powerful redistribution of energies may be triggered thus raising the frequency of your chart.

As with many things astrological and magical, it’s all about the timing. Success equally depends on precision and relevance of action.

What intensifies aspect patterns

Any aspect formation becoming significantly more intense when aligned to the angles (the Ascendant–Midheaven axes).

For example, a grand cross aligned with the four angles passes a sense of extreme density and raw manifesting will power.

Astrological chart with aspect pattern of grand cross aligned with the angles

If an aspect pattern rests on the nodal line between the South and North Nodes of the Moon, that pattern points at forces that the individual need to apply to ensure a successful journey towards fulfilment of their destiny.

Astrological chart with aspect pattern of t-square aligned with the lunar nodes

The chart above tells us that using Mercury–Uranus faculties of innovation and originality is the way forward in this incarnation. The Uranus square comes with a warning that any revolutionary faces: the danger of losing one’s head. Introducing mercurial attitude of humour and relativity supplies much needed lubrication to overly electric Uranus. Note that there is a trine aspect between Mercury and Uranus.


Interestingly my nodes form a square with my sun- mars opposition so that I have a grand cross additional to a rectangle. I always like to look for new angles. For example lots of planets are spaced apart in pisces. However this is anything but random. While the sun is sextile to moon in Taurus, venus/ saturn in early pisces are quintile to moon and mercury, in lates pisces is septile to moon and square my ascendant at beginning of capricorn. Studying odd aspects like quintiles and septiles makes for interesting reading. And nodal aspects to planets are also very significant, influencing life decisions just like planets. The ascendant in aspect to a personal planet can also be very important in daily life, as that is how you come across to the world. 

Samstag, 4. September 2021

Exercise Slows Aging by Activating Immune System




Realistic video Games


Buddhism : The Cure for Anxiety?


USA as Dystopia


This Video is a Lie


Why Vegans Don' t Eat Honey




Microdosing Magic Mushrooms for 1 Year


Freitag, 3. September 2021

Tai Chi Benefits 

Newest Robots


Are We same Species as Neanderthals?


Stress Testing Military Exoskeletons


Can We Trust Wikipedia?


How Caffeiine Addiction Changed History


Slow Living


Saving Venice


Air Traffic Emissions


Donnerstag, 2. September 2021

Hurricane Ida Floods Northeastern USA, Tornadoes


Magical Thinking About Green Energy 

Beijing's Poorest


Be 10 x More Productive - Ultimate Guide to Productivity


Insect Eating vs Veganism


Founding of Hungary - Nomads to Knighthood


Yogic Training in Shambhala( Gyangunj)


Atheism in the Middle Ages


Shamanic Music


Rethinking Climate Change - 90% reduction by 2035

predicts disruptive technology with only electric cars by end of decade, meat roducts being all fermented, freeing up land size US, china, australia for reforestation due to elimination of animal agriculture, massive alt energy overproduction allowing heating, transport electrification and raising third world out of poverty

Mittwoch, 1. September 2021

7 Lesson to Learn From Water( Taoism)


How We Fix the Climate


Immortal or Time Traveller?


Sticism : Become Undefeatable


China Reducing Internet/Services in Favor ofLabor Intensive Manufactures

Lost office job in last cris, ahead of the global curve i guess. And we all used to think robots and online was future.

Self Discipline


Battle of Ain Jalut in 1260 that Stopped Mongols and Saved Islam


Norse Wisdom