Donnerstag, 14. Oktober 2021

Rapidly Growing Cosmetic Surgery Market in China

They have apps on phones that show you what you will look like and then you can pay for it and even get a loan. One app had 400 million downloads. I think if this becomes normal and mass market cheap like coke and jeans instead of luxury movie star stuff then people will all look like clones of some in fashion of the moment movie star. Birth looks and genetics will mean nothing and cost won' t be a problem with production line surgery on noses, eyes,etc for teenage girl's birthday for example and without the hush hush stigma and denials surrounding the phenomenon today. Chinese mass production is doing this for us just like America did with middle class consumer life flattening everything out regarding class distinctions in Europe in the 20 th century. This particular phenomena is one sign of this. Being super cute used to be inherited along certain emotional attitudes from very pretty parents and maybe personality types, even horoscopes, that grew up around this. Taking these things apart is like bionics making super athletes or DNA treatments or similar sci- fi making people super smart, strong, etc. Brave New World indeed. Be careful what you wish for ( " mirror, mirror on the wall who' s the prettiest of them all"- " snow white").

On further zthought I believe there is a psychological phenomenon of people having a guilt complex if they are for example wealthier than others but see no reason for it. They feel guilt. Nowadays in some schools, colleges, workplaces white privilege is being preached. However it must be much worse if you are in the 1% or so to justify your privilege to yourself. I use this as an example everyone can understand to get at the phenomenon of cosmetic surgery and future bionics and DNA odifications. Regardless of if this is universal and cheap I think it will be hard for people inherently to accept changing their birth self just to please an image needed for public acceptance. I can always change clothes or hair, surgery is irreversible. OTOH we accept modern conveniences as a right and not a privilege. Pharaohs and Caesars didn' t live in such luxury as we do today. Such female clothing of modern textiles allows freedom of body movement unimagined before. Stretchy, light garments covering intimate spaces, allowing work during female periods. All this allows equality with males. This and household appliances, convenience foods makes professional lives possible outside of traditional roles. Along with this comes alienation from nature as the rapid pace of change away from nature and the expectation of the acceleration of this change iincreases( cosmetic surgery to bionics to genetics for example).

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