Sonntag, 30. Januar 2022

Free Press Future by Greenwald

My old fashioned Dad said the Catholic church was the only true church. This meant all others were heretical. Obviously this attitude taken seriously would lead to burning at the stake, book burning and similar. If mainstream democrats presume the same as my father did about his religion but concerning their party then there is a serious problem as they control media and tech controlled media. Usually dictatorships die out once generational shifts occur. It could take years until mainstream boomers are all in the cemetery and younger converts in liberal bastions lose sway to moderate voices. The extreme dualism in American politics I find very disturbing. Just as an example I researched by googling about white slavery, under age prostitution. Most articles cited stats, shocking stories but the Atlantic posted an article obviously disagreeing in general purely based on the whole phenomenon being a sort of panic by sort of conservative bumpkins. I left America and for a long time had an allergy towards any religious indoctrination as my elder brother had a habit of doctrinary preaching and had little education. Although both raised as Catholics we were born in a town with lots of fundamentalist gospel bible churches in which we got involved. My interest waned after some years but I liked the singing, camaraderie, appreciated Bible knowledge as cultural enrichment. Having learned modern lit, history, sciences and lived in such a mixed culture ( recall that VP candidate Palin was raised Catholic in Alaska and converted) I respect the various parts of society available. My mother, episcopalian of all things( born and raised in Oxford England), upon my asking her if she believed in God answered with one word, " Yes". In such an atmosphere of cultural learning and questioning by us youngsters and dogmatism by my father such a simple brevity without irony or hypocrisy is a breath of fresh air. I laugh at, it thinking of the basic culture this engenders where buddhism, polytheism, yoga in liberal centers is pitted against fundamentalists elsewhwere and how this basically reflects other social fights over the years like abortion rights, gay rights, women' s rights. Catholics hold the balance of power obviously as having a middle ground generally, being urban moderates and minority working class based( Irish, Italian, hispanic). The kneejerk disagreement with another' s opinion, as in the Atlantic article I mentioned, purely based on cultural feelings of disdain shows a lack of experience in the other' s space. Increasingly Americans live geographically and otherwise in bubbles. It is unwise for the one side due to economic power to enforce total censorship in such a large country. If every small church had a man in the corner, as in a dictatorship, taking notes on attendees and every word spoken, we could imagine similar results to modern automated censorship. 

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