Sonntag, 30. Januar 2022

Russia' s antigay propaganda law as trigger for US official Russophobia / Next steps in current conflict video analysis / Wag the Dog 

This culture war analysis for Russophobia post- Obama makes sense when one sees the current Western atmosphere of intolerance in general to traditionalist viewpoints, such as the Rowling affair. OTOH the video below is more cynical and presumes a traditional analysis of conquest of land for resources is behind Western motives in general. These two obviously go hand in hand. No one cares if a homophobe resource poor state is left to its own devices as long as it is not strategically important. I wonder if a long term strategy of pushing the West from the Near East/ Ukraine/ Caucasus crescent back to the Mediterranean, Central Europe can succeed by the Chinese/ Russian/ Iranian alliance SCO. Essentially one reads that in WWII the axis powers had to gain oil fields in Caucasus, Indonesia quickly or lose the war. Nowadays both sides have plenty of oil and gas, population, military technology. A standoff like the cold war could last decades. There are no subjugated client states in the old cold war sense straining under an authoritarian yoke. EU countries feel free despite some US troops They share general values. Only Hong Kongers are miffed and they are ethnic Chinese anyway. Ukraine is poor and corrupt and which side rules it and how seems a serious problem. However even here neither Western domination or a potential Russian supported government like a Yanukovitch would bring much difference in daily life for the broad masses beyond the Donbass conflict. In fact, even were the US to collapse, Soviet style, and withdraw troops, no Russian threat exists, only expanded trade ties and a broader EU, defense agreement in greater Europe. Russian values have changed dramatically towards democratic capitalism and respect of law. The same has changed in America over time in the wrong direction as we see from false flag operations abroad and social welfare for the banking industry plus censorship/ cancel culture at home. 

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