Sonntag, 30. Januar 2022

Identity Choices in Consumer Culture

So interesting. I think her way of thinking, disc ussing is quite unamerican. Since I mostly watch English language content this is refreshing to have another perspective. If fast product turnover means lost feeling of core identity and willingness to change identity this is interesting. Actors lose or gain weight, use foreign accents or don different clothes or learn new skills to seem authentic for a role. People say about some actor that he is always the same while another is a character actor, a " chameleon". Being pisces I feel intimately with those I observe closely but it washes off rather quickly like a second skin. If one is with someone a long time then that is not the case as the brain, nervous systems, physical habits like voice can be permanently adjusted to the partner. Her ddiscussion of core identity does not touch on astrology or soul. The former is like a soul DNA for the current body, inalterable. The latter is passed from body to body over centuries or millenia, taking on new masks of personality each time. Superficial consumer decisions nowadays cannot really change these much. I don' t think she will ever believe in this. Given the people I generally follow this seems odd, although in general it is a coomon place to scoff at superstition. I feel like scientism is a narrow box we squeeze ourselves in to in order to avoid confronting a very problematic discussion.

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