Sonntag, 16. Januar 2022

Saturn Transits to Venus (mid Aquarius)
Saturn transits to natal Venus

By Corinne Lane     9 Comments

Saturn transits to your natal Venus will test all your relationships, intimate, romantic, and also friendships. They will have a strong effect on your way of expressing affection, love, and your personal tastes.

You will notice many things that bother you about yourself and other people, particularly about your significant other. These are periods in which you confront the desires that have to do with your true self.

You get to know yourself more so that you can define what you like and do not like in all your relationships, and who you feel comfortable with and why. If you find that no one fits into your mold, you may feel very restless and unhappy, even isolated and depressed, at times.

You feel all your inabilities and complexes when you are in contact with others. You need to make important decisions regarding your life with others.

Often, you will also feel the need to stabilize your financial situation, since Venus deals also with money. These are moments in which you realize any mistake you have made, so that you can achieve greater independence. The important thing is that this will help you to have less tensions in all your relationships.

These are also times to make decisions regarding your artistic career, if you are an artist or similar.

Transit Saturn Conjunct Venus

When transit Saturn is conjunct your natal Venus, all your relationships go through tough tests at this time. Any relationship that has a solid foundation will be able to withstand the strong examination that you will undergo at this time. This transit will dig out and make clear what is truly of value between the two of you.

An unstable and weak relationship cannot survive the tensions that accumulate, as things that you do not like about the other person constantly come to the surface. Relationships with associates and friends also go through this type of process.

Therefore, any relationship that survives finds a higher purpose, while relationships that have no purpose disappear from your life, even traumatically.

You get away from the company of others to assess who you are and the circumstances with which you can feel more pleasurable and comfortable in order to feel a much greater harmony and personal balance, especially to feel better with the people you love.

Relationships that start now have a very predestined quality and will have more significant importance in fourteen years. (In fourteen years, Saturn will be opposite to your natal Venus.)

At another level, this transit can signify a period of austerity and being conservative and careful with respect to love relationships and also finances and economic relationships. Do not take any financial risk and do not assume new liabilities. You also need to structure your financial security, now.

In general, it is a time for introversion and to get a clearer idea of ​​your feelings so that your future relationships are more stable and realistic.

end quote

my Comment

While others experience this as a transit for me this is in my natal chart. I presume rejection so I never start anything. This at least until recently in my life when I have started to blossom. Still I need to get used to proportion to maintain control as jupiter is transiting near my venus I try too much and combined with Uranus transiting my moon I will be confused by too many signals ( like lots of TVs on at once in an electronics shop). My nature is to withdraw and assume cold hearted cynicism( venus conjunct saturn). Thank God for most this is just a phase. I lived it for decades. Transits are over in a month or so(unfortunately as Saturn is having a long retrograde this year the effect here will last one year from now) and then we feel better but always keep an eye on them. Outer planets like saturn, jupiter, uranus can wreak havoc. I didn' t used to believe in this stuff but it is easy to just go back and look where they took place and observe the effects. If you know about them you can consciously observe your feelings and keep them in check. This is I suppose the one great advantage of having such a conjunction as venus saturn in my natal horoscope. Emotions are looked at as objects of cold analysis. " can't fool me you bastards, you' re not real" .  For me saturn will transit my venus in pisces during next year. Cold heart welcome! offers free horoscopes. just set up an account and make a database of up to 100 horoscopes of friends and family to see what their personality structure is. Use Extended chat selection and for chart type select natal charts and transits and adjust the calendar date forwards or backwards to see what will happen. If you have trouble with the symbols I believevthat they have a tutorial. Chart type " Partner charts" is good to see how you get along with others, family, friends, colleagues, lovers or how anyone gets along with one another. Movie star " X" headed for divorce court? You knew it miles away by checking out a nasty uranus or saturn transit happening to one of them. Why do you hate one sibling or colleague. Partner charts is useful and then google the planetary aspects shown. Red lines are stressful aspects( squares and oppositions) while blue are positive(trines, sextiles) .Greens I think are 150 degree, (30 degrees) quincunx, readup on that and and yellows are quintiles or biquintiles. This stuff may sound stupid or technical. As a nonintuitive antisocial idiot who does not get what is going on for me it is a lifesaver. I get charts, numbers but not people. This was a great help. My intuition has strengthened over time but a theoretical broad view is really useful. This is like having a medical book by your side for the soul. 

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