Freitag, 10. Juli 2020

Clothing Waste/ Recycling

No wonder. I rarely buy any new things. This has obviously come about due to the offshoring of production to Asia meaning low cost and low quality. Excessively high tarifffs or a ban of imports, reintroducing high quality, expensive local manufactures would solve this problem. Eventually this will all result in a more rapid drawdown of global resources, destruction ofbnatural habitats, water tables, soil erosion(wool from sheep, cotton from farmland). This use of resouurces competes with food production and wildlife and emits CO2. Future generations will freeze in threadbare garments and curse us for destroying, wasting their rightful inheritance of nature. Become a minimalist today!

It seems to me a perfect fit for the above described theory. Clothes are now produced fast and cheap. Instead of saving the money and using it for other produczs people spend the same amount or more than before on clothing. Jeans are dirt cheap compared to 20 or 30 years ago for example. As an older person I maintain the clothes buying habits of expensive times. Others perhaps not. Or quality has fallen as well forcing frequent purchases.

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