Dienstag, 7. Juli 2020

Why Finland and Denmark are Happier than the USA


A lot of this applies to Germany too. I left the USA in 89 as a student and didn't really have a work history. I am appalled at what I hear about the health care and education costs and so many other things back in the US now. Of course it is all relative to where you are coming from. An Indian, Chinese, African or South American might find things acceptable if they are used to total self reliance, hard work, high savings, close family ties and mutual assistance which all replace the system of comfort and mutual self help the European social systems provide and the Americans don't really and the third world lacks completely. The general discussion of happiness as life balance and initiative are of course universal but without a social support system either through government or an extended family or friends group this becomes difficult to realize and acheive. Depending on all of this people can become isolated and fall through the cracks, become mentally ill. As in posts below, spirituality becomes an important factor. Earlier generations relied on the church more for moral guidance, extended social contacts and charity for the poor, so this ran parallel to state power, ameliorating it's excesses and that of business people.

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