Sonntag, 16. August 2020

7 year cycles 

I have the book " Cycles of Becoming " by Alexander Ruperti based on Dane Rudhyar's work on transpersonal astrology. In it he goes through the basic life phases from 0 to 70 and perhaps further. Uranus has 12 x 7 =84 year cycle and Saturn has a 4 x 7 = 28 year cycle. So we go through specific life changes every 7 years 7, 14, ,21,. 28,35,42,49,56,63,70 and each year in the cycle has a value. First year is awareness of new patterns, 2nd year we grow into them consciously. Slowly we become more aware and creative and at the last years, say 20 or 55, we peak in our experience of that type of behaviour and slowly go over into something new. Looking back on the last 7 years or so that is relatively clear. I look forward to my 56th birthday and new impulses in March.  My energy has grown dramatically. I started Kriya yoga around 2000 , which would make 21 years after that as well. So the last 7 years were the most productive cycle by far up till now. In Ruperti's book he said that age 50, starting 8th cycle had potential occult significance. This was true for me. Understanding cycles and transits and astrology is useful in judging our life path. If I were a secular scientist I might think a ten day week is ok too or age 22 and 27 are just ages but everyone knows mid August is not mid February. These things have a real quality for all of us which expresses itself however according to our individuality. 

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