Sonntag, 16. August 2020

Kechari Mudra explanation and benefits


I have been trying this. It is very relaxing. I noticed it opens up the throat chakra so that energy flows between heart and head and you get a full energy circuit going and you can do this all the time except when talking or eating and it gets energy flowing and makes you relaxed.  It is like doing splits between heart and third eye, connecting them. I always read it gets amrita flowing from back of throat. I am just reporting my current experience. I try this when I can' t sleep. I cross arms over chest as well. Babaji reccomends this in meditation and then doing chin mudra. This charges the heart. If in lying position legs can be entwined. This increases energy flow. So lying down kechari, chin mudras, arms in x over chest and legs entwined and mind blank. I practised similar this week and as I woke at 7 am got a fast energy surge from tail to crown. This is typical awakening description but I never felt it so clearly. Prep work I guess helps. Lots one can do just lying around or hanging around to keep energy flowin. I could never concentrate so my meditation was bad and then my energy got so strong that sitting meditation was overcharging me. So now I am discovering some techniques that suit me. To each his own but experiment, play around.

some experiences recounted here

I did this purposefully over decades but also got into yoga due to general trauma. This all took years assisted by yoga. A fast unassisted explosive awakening can damage the nervous sytem. I play with it slowly, cautiously ansd ease up by any pain discomfort. But no pain, no gain. Sort of spiritual growth as 'athletic goal' as permanent hobby.

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