Dienstag, 18. August 2020

Tirumandiram Verse 1188

 1188. Nada (sound) arises in moon's sphere(sushumna) and reaches heart's center

Like the rays of the Sun

The Nada from Moon Sphere arises,

From there it travels to the root of tongue,

And thence to throat the light goes,

And then to region of heart,

Whence arises the articulate sound;

For all this,

The source is the Moon Sphere (where Sakti is).

I was amazed reading this as I had written in a blog post recently virtually the same thing effectively and had been practising kechari mudra all day, feeling connection between 3rd eye and heart chakra over tongue tip to root, throat chakra as described above               ( sushumna ends at third eye- sakti being electrical universal energy of spinal cord= femal power). Sometimes when I read a book I anticipate the thoughts given in discussions, writings beforehand but never have I discovered a novel usage for a well known technique, thinking it my idea, only to have it confirmed a day or so later. Inspirational books indeed. 

Strange thing about doing new esoteric techniques it can change your personality to a certain extent. I have become more calm, unruffled but also insensitive, withdrawn. Once one gets into meditation, similar it can make you colder and to get at your core self people need to use a lot more emotional shock to break past the much calmer exterior. This might be anger, sexuality. If friends, family find you distanced and need your usual love, sensitivity this could cause problems for them until you resurface from your experiment. I recall meditating and having difficulty speaking with my wife afterwards as I felt so quiet, calm. This was years ago. Probably good to take a longer retreat therefore to get deeper into meditation. More emotional self control is good and spiritual growth and depth but one has to let those near to oneself accompany you, understand what is happening and not lose their signal, so to speak. My vibrations, like a radio signal, are slower, deeper than before. I don' t jump, laugh or get nervous so quickly. Once the energy body develops and we find more relaxing techniques we change our approach subtly. I read that due to awakenings people drop less spiritual, older friends, acquaintances. Maybe so but if you continue to change do you keep seeking new people every few months or years that fit the new you? If others are inclined they can grow with you, deepen their experience, grow in understanding and acceptance of you. 

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