Mittwoch, 26. August 2020

Emotional intelligence / Developmental stages

At 55 I guess I am at Middle adulthood. Until teen years are first 5 stages and after 30 or so I guess is bulk of life trying to not become stagnant. Stagnation comes easy in a boring job and routine marriage but that is neccessary to rear children in stability so they don' t experience permanent emotional chaos by parents trying to ' find' themselves. I certainly was not deep and loving as a father and my heart opening due to spirituality has been in last 5 years. This would have been chaotic, destabilizing for a young married person so it is good that way. I could focus on my family. Now I open up easily to others and emotional states are more important, though I am learning to stabilize these intense emotions ripping through my body in form of energy flows, kundalini. Every deeper stage of energy becomes ' normalized' after a while, allowing the body to go to a deeper state. At each stage certain childhood traumas get dredged up, cleansed and one moves on, becomes more serious, responsible. I suppose one could be born into a well adjusted loving family, develop no neuroses and never need ' awakening' then stagnate in middle age or just become a loving grandparent. Perhaps spirituality is nature's way of healing wounded people or a form of evolution as society gets more intense, populated and the brain, heart need a better way to deal with new stress arising from caveman, hunter gatherer to farming, small towns to current society. Jesus had a solution for his day. Perhaps open heart chakras enabling all to instantly feel everyone else' s moods and adjust in real time accordingly would be a modern spiritual solution to urban crowding, alienation, neurosis. Not that this would be the great awakening, end of time, but just a subtle way of being more alive, relatable to one another so we don' t go extinct, destroy the earth.

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