Montag, 17. August 2020

Psychic Abilities

from Ramana Maharshi: 30th Jan. 1935
M.: Telepathy or radio enables one to see and hear from afar. They are 
all the same, hearing and seeing. Whether one hears from near or 
far does not make any difference in hearing. The fundamental factor 
is the hearer, the subject. Without the hearer or the seer, there can 
be no hearing or seeing. The latter are the functions of the mind. 
The occult powers (siddhis) are therefore only in the mind. They 
are not natural to the Self. That which is not natural, but acquired, 
cannot be permanent, and is not worth striving for.
They denote extended powers. A man is possessed of limited powers 
and is miserable; he wants to expand his powers so that he may be 
happy. But consider if it will be so; if with limited perceptions one
 is miserable, with extended perceptions the misery must increase 
proportionately. Occult powers will not bring happiness to anyone, 
but will make him all the more miserable!
Moreover what are these powers for? The would-be occultist (siddha) 
desires to display the siddhis so that others may appreciate him. 
He seeks appreciation, and if it is not forthcoming he will not be 
happy. There must be others to appreciate him. He may even find 
another possessor of higher powers. That will cause jealousy and 
breed unhappiness. The higher occultist (siddha) may meet a still 
higher siddha and so on until there will come one who will blow 
up everything in a trice. Such is the highest adept (siddha) and He 
is God or the Self.
Which is the real power? Is it to increase prosperity or bring 
about peace? That which results in peace is the highest perfection 

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