Samstag, 15. August 2020

Taoism - The Fasting of the Heart


I find the graphic of opposites interesting. One speaks often of equanimity in spirituality/meditation or by old wise people or those with lots of experience, resiliemce, stability not easily getting bothered, ruffled, triggered. Recently I have experienced deeper energy, meditatitive calmness which takes me one step from my immediate needs, wants, making me more calm. I wake up and go into a mode immediately where my crown chakra clicks in automatically, pouring energy down my whole body. As I let this continue, as if in a meditative trance, the energy increases in depth, intensity to all parts of body. I had been working on this but now it goes automatic. My crown got opened greatly by reading Tirumandiram. I noticed when I start seeing images before my closed eyes that dream sleep is needed and roll over, go back to sleep. So waking first after about 4 hours sleep at quarter to three gives me sjfficient sleep initially, then I meditate, sleep alternating a couple more times. Generally I do not do meditation at all but work on my energy body but as in this case energy work is so intense it is like meditation or samadhi where breath, thoughts slow or cease and intense pressure is felt, massaging the brain pleasurably and putting pressure on the whole body. I suppose such experiences quieten us as they stimulate, relax nerves and make 
us worried, excitable similar to taking long nature walks and similar calm us. My experiences have intensified recently. Today is Sri Aurobindo's birthday and he talked of energy coming from above into body so I find this experience fitting. Perhaps in general my practice is starting to bear noticeable fruits and my reading of masters helps to absorb their energies, come into their states and become similar to them like having had 'darshan'. I like yoga, kriya yoga as opposed to old style religious, philosopphical schools as change or self transformation requires in the latfer continuous conscious effort but in the former it can work subconsciously in the background of the body purifying, strengthening us.

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