Freitag, 16. Oktober 2020

Ajna chakra as coordinator, the visual field

 Ninth day doing, attempting, meditation. I got much quicker into rhythym today, each day faster, meaning that each day by the end of the 45 minutes I get a little more advanced and that I reach my base stable quiet state earler and earlier, like after only 5 minutes with a sort of energy flowing in a circuit aound arms, body and becoming quiet in mind. Yesterday I started noticing my visual field. In meditations in earlier years or just lying in bed with my eyes closed I might see a blue dot before the eyes. This today in siddhasana position was alternating with a receding light of sorts which recedes, then renews itself in pulselike intervals after about 40 minutes sitting. Since I noticed this and began to oncentrate on this visual phenomena and not on thought processes or body sensations I notice that the third eye chakra starts to pulsate and the pulse sends energy waves over the entire body in a wave, which repeats at short intervals.  This is like when you throw a boulder in a pond and it sends a wave from center to edge rather quickly touching every point, all the while focusing on this light in front of my eyes pulsating normal full spectrum  then blue receding and renewing. I guess it seems natural that meditation strengthens ajna chakra. Asanas strengthen other senters. So essentially this is a good workout. one is set up in a triangle or pyramid configuration to meditate and by setting wrists on knees the arm energy connects with leg energy which are both fed from trunk/spine and you get a stable circuit or foundation. The top of this pyramid is the head. The center is the Ajna chakra. Imagine Cheops pyramid on the USDollar bill with the eye on it. This is meditation posture. You build up a massive circuit flowing and this feeds the 3rd eye which feeds the body in an endless feedback loop strengthening over time as one concentrates more on the visual field of the third eye. Perhaps to have visual phenomena controlled and reliably, as in the dream state, but in a conscious state, one must have great control over energy flows through the whole body ( rid of blockages) and a clear, calm mind. I have always read about people with kundalini awakenings having lots of spontaneous sensory experiences, viual and auditory, sometimes very disturbing but not like mentally ill people who hear voices or see worms, but rather bright lights or bells, i.e. pleasant ' artistic' abstract phenomena. I have had neither of these sorts. It seems that 25 years of yoga have been a slow build up to mastering general control over the complete system of the organism. When I meditated regularly years ago, before kundalini stress forced me to quit entirely, I saw this blue light quite easily so that is no surprise, really my only visual phenomena. Maybe everyone sees this when they sit and close their eyes a few minutes and just focus. I never went to any group like in an ashram, etc where people might discuss general experiences. I am just surprised now at how relatively quickly and smoothly I seem to progress through rather obvious stages of sorts. Now that energy flows more readily in a complete circuit and in rather large amounts the significance of the third eye control over the whole becomes more apparent. The occult meaning of the dollar bill symbols as well. Free masons into 13th level initiations in control there I suppose. 

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