Freitag, 9. Oktober 2020

Meditation Energies

 I have been doing some meditation the last 3 mornings upon waking and the physical result looks like this image below taken from p.81 of the 1989 book below. Ajit Mookerjee, a tantra artist/scholar made this. 

My empathic capabilities or lack of energy control perhaps, is maybe due as Mary says in her blog, due to childhood problems. This all erupted in later life and my meditation is helping me now control, channel my energies internally so that I can control them, grow them without being dependent on others( heart chakra greatly stimulated in meditation this morning for example). Joe Dispenza seems excited about this energy and in the Dharma documentary a woman said yoga made her feel better than from people. Sport, dopamine, drugs can give us highs but long term yoga has a special effect, balancing everything. But this lands us at next stage where kundalini gets roused and cleans us out, maybe gets us being uncontrolled untrained empaths. If we can learn to channel and control this then ok. My recent changes in diet and intermittent fasting have helped my concentration and even yoga flexibility it seems. Thanks to nodal return making progress quicker across a broad range. 

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