Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2020

Neptune in Pisces Transits

Being a Pisces I have had to deal with several Neptune conjunctions in recent years. Also good to look up oppositions, trines, sextiles, squares if you are another sign or have planets elsewhere. Mercury is still to come, in some years bringing mental confusion but relaxation as well. Two sides of same coin. Essentially everything happens at once when a big transit occurs at one of my four main positions in my horoscope due to all the aspects between planets., endless trines, sextiles, conjunctions and oppositions. Since Neptune moves so slowly therefore it really has time to get under one's skin. The horoscope texts here are superficial like in newspapers. Everyone is different and it depends on one' s preparation, personality. 

I think that civil war type confusion in general is due to this planet's influence in its home sign. Everyone in the world gets a pervasive emotional fog surrounding their preconceived emotional values and they cannot rationally distinguish between fact, desire and objectively evaluate situations. In 2025 when Neptune enters Aries this problem will be reduced but perhaps people will start thinking that any aggression is ok  ( war over after first battle syndrome, 'we can' t lose') so the mental confusion could be compounded with serious conflicts.

Venus- ca. 5 years ago
Once in a lifetime and rare transit. This Neptunian transit subtly changes your attitude, social skills, intimate behavior, personality and manners. Remember ~ as you begin this Conjunction you may start out by you deluding yourself - especially regarding your social/moral values. Then a subtle refinement and clarity develops as you go from being initially confused or paranoid about your situation in life to being enlightened. Seeing beauty where previously you had not seen it. Creativity ~ this transit is especially artistic and creative. Increases the ability to tune into the Elusive Universal hypnotic and mystical realms. Personality ~ allows for the harder edges of your personality to soften and harmonize. A chance to bring extraordinary charm and magnetism into your personality. Appearance ~ sensuality is naturally enhanced. A time of becoming more glamourous and intoxicating to others. Romance ~ regarding romances ~ those that are initiated under this influence may tend to over look the faults of the other or you may continually think that a better relationship is available. A roving eye and/or a string of memorable romances. Note ~ for the fortunate - this transit may bring The True Love of your life. Money ~ as both Venus and Neptune bring money - this aspect has possibilities of attracting money of mystical origins. The warning on this Conjunction is not to let yourself fall to the muddled energies of Neptune ~ therefore make choices that avoid over indulgence or over gratifying yourself with any of the substances Neptune rules ~ alcohol, drugs, medications, etc. Music may be especially helpful in life now.

Saturn- ca. 5 years ago
Once in a life time Conjunction. Success ~ when opportunity meets preparation - success is guaranteed. Dreams become realities. A opportunity "To Be All That You Can Be." Success is standing by awaiting your acceptance. Note ~ if floundering and difficult circumstances are present ~ sacrifice will lead to success. Work ~ achievements of goals in work are realized through detail work. Harsh realities ~ if bitterness or negativity has somehow been able to take hold in your personality ~ frustration abounds. Self pity brings more of the cold and cruel world to your doorstep. Past harsh judgements brings a melancholy time. Solutions ~ strive for forgiveness then release and let go and incorporate non judgemental and non violent attitude. Note ~ this is an extremely important transit and not everyone will experience it. Its really up to you and your positive and/or negative conditioning. This time can be your worst nightmare or a time when your most visionary dreams are realized. Remember ~ recondition yourself to expect positive results and this transit will quickly bring more fortunate circumstances. A rare opportunity!

Sun- ongoing
 once in a lifetime transit. Much depends on the Sun's Natal position and how old you are when this transit occurs. Spiritual ~ enhances spiritual awareness and artistic endeavors. Incredibly inspiring and enjoyable. Known to help cultivate a sense of deeper compassion. Health ~ personal healing through music. Ability for recognizing and/or overcoming problems of self pity or inferiority complexes. Personality ~ a sense of glamour and mystery may be incorporated into persona. Money ~ possibly large financial rewards may be gained through lucky endeavors. Secrets ~ ability to gain access in to the secrets of many people ~ especially the famous, glamourous, intriguing, etc. (all Neptunian people). Caution ~ this transit can be delusional and may cause you to mistakenly take so called opportunities, which actually brings you further from your original goals. Increases the chance of you being seduced by promises. Remember ~ always read the fine print and check the details. Seek advice from another whom you trust if unsure. Note ~ sometimes with afflicted Sun position - this Conjunction brings about a state of losing touch with reality. Romantic delusions. Caution ~ may also increase self indulgence and over indulgence through alcohol or drugs. Spiritual illusions and a increase in fanatical beliefs and behaviors. Susceptible to cults.

Mercury- in 5 years
Once in a lifetime aspect. Much depends on Mercurys' Natal placement and aspects. Great for enhancing imagination and extrasensory perception. Emotionally ~ experiences of erotic emotions. Absorbed with sensational, erotic or fantasy literature, films, etc. Personally ~ increases love and appreciation of music and art. Excellent for keeping a journal and appreciating poetry. Also your voice may become more charming. Opportunities ~ possible to have great success in ~ transportation, travel business, writing, communication, teaching, photography, publishing, basically all interests and business endeavors of a Mercurial nature. Just make sure that you do not become mentally lazy. Mentally ~ may bring a cloudy haze covering your rationale ~ the harder you look the less you see. Continuous day dreaming. Good for solving mysteries. Details ~ check and recheck all details ~ especially concerning contracts. Caution ~ deliberate trickery by others is possible. Before making important decisions make sure you have the correct information. Usually this is a better time to make decisions based on your inner, subconscious and subtle realizations rather than trying to reason and analyze things out. Mail ~ be aware of mail coming to you that may be tampered with. Lost and stolen mail.

Neptune Opposition Natal Mars - current ongoing
 This transit brings about a great deal of vague difficulties. Work ~ not a good time to begin major new projects. Possible fraudulent activities, intrigues and secret enemies. Scandals may be waiting in the wings. Relationships ~ male relationships in general are prone to more confusion. Possibilities of being deceived or betrayed by someone in business or someone of the male sex. Emotionally ~ depression. A personal low physical and emotional level. Caution ~ be aware of being over influenced by drugs or alcohol. Secluded drinking. Health ~ food poisoning. Be careful of sexually transmitted diseases at this time. This will not be a good time to deal with hospitals ~ inappropriate care may be given. Warning ~ be careful about initiating any type of antagonistic attacks on others and avoid dangerous areas. Avoid mobs. Remember ~ to try to tune into your physical body and/or aggressive nature ~ and detox, de-stress and 'work' to relax the blocked energy in yourself. On the first approach of Neptune to Oppose Mars - you may find some peculiar or illusive type physical body or medical/hospital type of situation necessary to deal with. On the Retrograde motion ~ the same illusive Neptunian energy makes for the enlightenment of the true needs of your physical body. Put yourself first now. With persistence the most transcendental physical healings and new routines for better health are incorporated into your life. This is a good time to use energy in a spiritual mood or way      right now moon/ jupiter sextiles along with sun conjunction and mars and pluto oppositions and neptune trine

Transit Neptune Sextile Moon- ongoing now for me

When transit Neptune is sextile your natal Moon, it increases sensitivity and compassion for people and social conditions of your environment. You cannot express your perceptions with words, although you understand everything emotionally. The imagination is very active and also the artistic sense, which must be reflected in some way so that it does not remain only in daydreams.

This transit can lead to an extremely idealized relationship, with a sense of nurturing and giving to the other person. Regardless of your gender, protective maternal tendencies appear. Make sure the other person wants to take care of you before letting yourself get carried away by your idealized feelings.

Still, you can better distinguish fantasy from reality during this transit, and you will discover that your illusions about another person are not so unreal. It gives great strength to heal wounds of the past and provokes a great spiritual love that, unless another transit contradicts it, can be more platonic than physical. It stimulates all your psychic ability, intuition and spirituality, expressing itself through poetry or other artistic means.

Transit Neptune Sextile Jupiter-ongoing now

The transit of Neptune sextile your natal Jupiter creates a strong desire for a kind of special knowledge, understanding the subtle spiritual truths that give dimension and meaning to your life. You can study metaphysics or the occult. It increases faith and you may get involved in spiritual groups.

It stimulates the interest for the distant, for trips and for discovering unknown places and things. It gives great optimism and hope for the future, but the other transits much be checked to see if this is realistic or not. This transit brings a search for idealism in your daily life. But it also gives so much self-confidence that it can lead to unnecessary risks. You must learn to recognize your limitations.

Your sense of compassion increases, and the desire to help all those in need, giving a strong sense of social justice. Do not get carried away with social egotistical games, and do not look for confrontations and social conflicts. This transit increases your generosity, magnanimous image, and tolerance where it is necessary to have it.

Transit Neptune Opposite Uranus

This was  parallel to my venus/ saturn  neptune transit. 

When transit Neptune is opposite your natal Uranus, It represents a huge revolution in your consciousness and exposes you to aspects of life that you have never dreamed of before. When you understand it, your vision of reality will change. This revelation is so strong that it is within a movement that is bringing a new understanding to the world to transform it.

What happens is that a new understanding enters with such force that we abandon the old ways of thinking, although it is only a matter of perspective on our freedom and individualism. It is a period of tremendous psychological growth, awakening of creative and psychic potentials that alter the level of consciousness.

Although, there is not much stability at this time. It is not good to try to build permanent things, since they will have to be changed again and again. At first it only happens in a psychological way, and then the material universe is greatly affected by it.

Initially there may be doubts, confusion and uncertainty about the kind of internal liberation that is sought. It is a revolution of ideas that others do not understand, and we must wait for them to consolidate before committing to fulfill them in a certain way.

Transit Neptune Opposite Pluto- ongoing

The transit of Neptune opposite your natal Pluto signifies transformations due to the disappearance of people, circumstances or possessions to which you have become accustomed.

It will reveal aspects of yourself that have been kept secret, or even that were unknown, possibly because you thought they were bad or negative. These aspects that are now revealed have a very positive energy.

There will be many psychological compulsions, but the less you resist recognizing them, the better it will be. On the other hand, it will show a spiritual dimension that opens horizons that you could never have imagined before.

Transit Neptune Trine Neptune- now ongoing

The transit of Neptune trine your natal Neptune gives you a sense of what your life is about. If you do not feel good about the past, and psychological conflicts continue, it can produce serious health scares.

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