Dienstag, 18. Mai 2021

Gay Christian Conversion

I have noticed lots of Christian youtubers being converted from new age, yoga, kundalini, etc. as well . Being very much into yoga and tai chi and advaita vedanta I disagree though I respect their feelings.  I generally see the cultural scene in America regarding sexual, spiritual, racial and political issues as being a lot more heated and controversial. I think this is due to a culture which is younger and unsettled in general so that in China, Japan or Western Europe where populations are much more homogenous and general cultural patterns more settled so that personal sexual and spiritual identity is less questioned that such problems as we see here in this video are less common. My parents came from two cultures and my wife's as well so that our children have four ethnic backgrounds and speak three languages. Since we live in Germany which is mainly German their identity conflict, which could be substantial, is less pronounced than if they had grown up in LA or NYC where no ethnic minority of any type has any majority and mass immigration and emigration is the norm, meaning low cultural stability and total reliance of the individual to form his or her ego on him or her self, searching for online or other groups ad hoc, christian, gay, new age or whatever. To me this seems random and generally meaningless. When one group gets more influence they will seek to silence the others and how an individual might feel about their situation at any point in time will be suppressed or denied as legitimate. IOW situational ethics applies generally in a statistical sense. If America ever becomes settled culturally and ethnically as other countries after industrialism has long since ended and the continents are perhaps isolated again and populations decline with the North American population becoming stable and looking unitary( white, black, latino, asian in proportion admixture) like a Russian who has slight asian features, mexicans partially indian or Brazilians with more mulatto types and is seen as an American ethnic type unique to the continent and having gone through several cycles of religious and cultural warfare to create a unique American religion and spiritual identity, including perhaps Christian, East Asian, Shamanic and African religions and likely a traditional place for alternate sexual practices then the scenario of such an individual as in this video will be seen as ancient history of a primitive time. In the meantime the Chinese curse applies: " May you live in interesting times".


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