Mittwoch, 19. Mai 2021

How Culture Gives the USA an Edge Over China / America's Cultural Revolution.

Reading the two articles above it is hard to make sense of what is going on. American individualism makes for innovation. This has brought about endless new inventions that have revolutionized modern life. Japan , NICs and China have excelled at copying these inventions, improving costs by improving process but not by allowing nonconformity and creativity. So Asia should return to a cyclical model of dxistence once cut off from the West, absent all innovation in technology and culture after some time. Conformity brought about by cultural homogeneity stifles dissent and creativity. In the West meanwhile, particularly in the USA, mass immigration, generation for generation, fosters individualism and therefore creativity as people who are isolated from cultural norms and masses neccessarily spin new ideas. 

How America moves also however in groupthink mode is also well known throughout its history. Anticommunist scares and Cancel Culture are two negative examples of course. Hopefully backlash will ensue as it did against McCarthyism of the right in the 50s. Groupthink is nonconducive to rational thought and creativity. Many artists, filmmakers, musicians are currently complaining about the stifling atmosphere. What level of individualism vs collectivism is needed in a culture for balance is varied. Perhaps as America becomes more settled, change will slow. Immigration, innovation are sources of change. Geography and resources have limits however and these can become exhausted. After a 1000 years of continuous settlement it will likely reach a cultural and technological stasis such as East Asia or Europe. Considering the progress America has brought the world this might mean an end or slowing of evolution even as a general human stasis sets in as all countries become isolationist and live off past culture ad infinitum. Discussing Buddha, listening to Beethoven or reading Shakespeare or even Harry Potter or the Iliad in 5000 years would be repetitive, dulling. Likely cycles of yugas, i.e. varying pattern of 24000 years of astrological patterns(age of aquarius, et al) would save us from becoming like trilobites, eternally the same. Since we have been around hundreds of thousands of years physical evolution will certainly play a role. My spiritual practices are intense and one can only wonder what role such practices of ' conscious and purposeful evolution' have played in the human drama. We have tamed animals and plants and civilized ourselves, reducing violent traits or independence and creativity in ourselves, animals and plants. This type of monoculture however reaches a dead end. The spiritual idea is to unify with God, become a Godlike superman with magical type powers, effectively to evolve beyond our boring selves on purpose, to acheive greater insight. Hopefully in time for a golden age in 20,000 years or so. Let's make a garden of Eden, peace on earth. This would bore people most likely and they would descend into corruption like in Atlantis.

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