Montag, 30. August 2021

Cultural Revoution 2.0 - The New Purge


Saraswati Supercluster


Denmark' s 34 Billion dollar Energy Islands


Mongol Empire


Fall of Constantinople


Police in Ancient Egypt


The Abbasid Caliphate (750-833) Greatest Arab Dynasty


China Manufacturing Collapse, Layoffs, companies move abroad


Sonntag, 29. August 2021

On Alchemical Marriage 

Home Climate Retrofitting Challenge


Last King of Afghanistan


Japanese Robot Staffed Hotel


The Turks Enter Anatolia




Low Marriage, High Divorce Rate in China


Perfectionism makes us sick


Working 996 in China


Samstag, 28. August 2021

Nigerian Overpopulation


Primakov Doctrine


Celtic Poland


Why Climate Change will Make Russia and Arctic Important as Civilization Elsewhere Declines


Why Afghanistan is Impossible to Conquer


Celltic Anatolia


Toba Catastrophe Theory


Proto Indo European Origins


Freitag, 27. August 2021

Are Plant Based "Milks" Environmentally Destructive (almond, soya, oats)


Renewable Energy Development Backlash by Environmentalists


Bioplastics Debunked


Edward Bernays - Advertising/Propaganda


USA as Cause of Climate Change


Party in China is Over!

My import export career was Japan and China based mostly. It has been now 11 years but I know it was hard back then. This is the big backlash like under Mao in the50s and 60s back to isolationism. This could change the world making clothing, electronics, toys expensive but making manufacturing viable again in America and Europe.

Extra Arm Artery Shows Evolution 

I recall the video on tai chi discussing increased blood flow being a sign of higher chi.

Uranus transit over natal Saturn

Uranus Conjunct Natal Saturn

During this transit you may find that certain circumstances and structures in your life that you used to depend on for security or comfort could undergo transformation or suddenly change without warning. It is a powerful time as the structures of Saturn that provide material stability and routine will be challenged by the rebellious nature of Uranus that will ensure that rigid thought patterns and behaviors that are no longer necessary in your life will be broken down. You will especially be feeling this transit if you sense that tension in your life has been building up over several years.
If you have made compromises for the sake of others you may feel like you want to break free from your situation. The more you have feared insecurity and change the more problematic the time will be. If you keep clinging onto these oppressive relationships whether personal or work life will step in and make the change for you which will inevitably make things harder for you to take. It is a force for good as it clears the old structures that are holding us back from personal growth. Repressing this energy may inevitably bring disease or other illness in its wake.

end quote

This obviously fits people around 20-22 and around 50 in the current placing of the two planets in Taurus so it could hit middle aged parents and young adults living in same house. Midlife crisis and wild youthful behavior simultaneously is a problem that is harder to handle than just one person or generation having a crisis at a time. My son for example wants definitely to move out now regardless of living and working conditions or giving up his studies for a long time and this started two years ago when uranus transited his saturn natal. Now we have found an accomodating solution for this where he can still study, not work full time, nor accumulate debt. Living with parents and younger siblings can destroy peace of mind. Saturn can react slowly to the mad impulses of Uranus however. Uranus is less a raging bull in the china shop, destroying all in its wake, than bolts of lightning and intuition causing sudden realizations of changes in our lives which help us adjust our course slightly to avoid sinking in the inevitable rapids ahead which life always provides. Saturn is however a stubborn, habit ridden old mule which clings to its old ways. Learning can be slow at any rate for all of us when it comes to habits of heart, mind and body we have long since adapted to and no idea of which direction to move from here.

Mittwoch, 25. August 2021

Global Demographics 

Hypocrisy in Travel and Online Behavior


Loneliness Online

I should read the comments on this video. It seems a race to the bottom where people get used to virtual relationships. One reads about how many people are overweight growing as a result of driving, passive jobs,junk food, screen time increase. This seems to be a similar downward spiral. I balance my contacts between on and offline. Both are enriching. Internet has taught me a lot from informational videos, news, discussion forums. Fan addiction/validation addiction by male/females as a replacement for real world one on one presence relationships can be additional to but not a replacement for a concrete relationship which it seems to be becoming in a downward spiral in an increasingly lonely world. I like such hard nosed journalistic type no holds barred videos which challenge my own behavior, shows up societal dysfunction. 

Should you learn Qi Gong, Tai Chi, or both?


Shaolin Qi Gong 20 Minute Daily Routine to Boost Vitality


Youtube Double Standards


Qi Gong & Tai Chi - Evidence Based Medicine


Renovations on vacation

 Old apartment-Tore out old carpets, cleaned up floors, walls, painted everywhere. New carpets needed plus linoleum in kitchen. Instead of renter like last couple decades my son could take it at cost while finishing university studies and get out from under our thumb, learn more independence. Less stress for everyone involved. One hand washes the other.

Dienstag, 24. August 2021

spiritual development hindu music spotify 

How Uber is Scamming You


Dara Shikoh & the Meeting of Islam & Hinduism


What is the House of the Rising Sun?


Hacking Satellites with $300 Worth of TV Gear


Covid Variant Mutations


Funnelbeaker Bronze Age Culture


Why US Medical Bills are so Expensive


What is a Planet? - Pluto' s Demotion 

Freitag, 20. August 2021

Fashion History 3: 30s Depression Era Escapism


Rogue Waves


Transgenerational Trauma 

My father was a WWII vet on the ground in Europe and was I believe sole survivor in his platoon. Guilt there. His brothers also fought but in Navy or air force and married quickly after the war and remained in home town. My Dad wandered westward through Canada and ended in Alaska, married in late nineteen fifties, started kids at 38. This in a time when people had quick starts, big families.  I read lots on the war from what my parents had at home, absorbed miserliness from depression age suffering. This also postgenerational trauma. I recall a third grade essay (1973) where I wished for peace on earth. Boomers preached that back then and their dads were also WWII vets. Why did this not stick for them, this trauma of their fathers? Perhaps earlier trauma came to my family. My granddad came from Ireland at 4 years of age in 1881s, a generation after the famine. So psychologically this stretched this trauma out in my family. having kids in his forties)Frequent young birth cohorts can quickly recover whereas older parenting can keep memories alive of the worst historical incidents for well over a century in dark family subconscious.  Such people can be slow starters, live long lives, be wiser than their years, more serious than their peers with a history of shorter generations behind them or less transgenerational trauma, political or personal. Healing such trauma, actually of any type can be hard work . Much of psychology and spiritual work is about churning these waters and clearing it out. Psychoanalysis or years of meditation for example. My war dream last night is more empathic than personal I believe. We were not bombarded in my family. I was the cop in the dream I think, so played the ugly American in Iraq or Afghanistan or perhaps Israeli security guards or US cop on the beat in the ghetto. There is obviously a trauma in just doing your job but ultimately being in a morally questionable position. Lots of our vets take their own lives constantly. This is the price of doing evil for the man and his empire. Vietnam vets were similarly  plagued.  Generational theory by strauss and howe bases all of history on the trauma cycle repetition in fact. Buddha would have us break our cycle of hatred, fear, reprisal by doing internal work. I only find conscious mental work superficial. ‘The Body keeps the Score' talks of this. Kundalini awakening is a direct, dangerous path for the few to cleanse body and mind of  trauma on the way to enlightenment, however that may appear.

Donnerstag, 19. August 2021

Dreams , politics, heart vortex exercise

 I dreamed a cop had just shot and killed a criminal, also who was an artist, he left a couple hundred and took his painting of his mother for the now fatherless family, as the cop lived with his own mother and the theme was close to him.  Next scene before I awoke the swarm of military choppers in the blue sky above I fear attack. They down a high white tower, like a church instead which falls in our direction and from fear I awaken. News feed shows me later a massive Israeli attack on Syria. The very human and contradictory relationships follow from the dream. 

Yoga practice heart vortex spinning exercise. 

sitting bend one knee to side, stretch other leg straight as far to other side as possible and bend down to leg with face as far as possible. I touch nose to floor and wrap hand around foot. Repeat on other side. This double side stretch gets heart chakra turning quickly. Unlike back bends or forward splits which open it generally. Very satisfying. 

Nagas & Naginis


Mittwoch, 18. August 2021

Solar Plexus Chakra , mind changes

 tai chi intense energy centered on solar plexus and going out over trunk to arms legs. Keeps getting better in fits and starts. Desensitizing between thoughts ad emotions at times, sort of spaced out sometimes. It seems my mind or upper chakras are developing due to all the input making me more logical, intellectual, in my head at times. Good in that it develops capacities without always grounding everything in practical and personal experience, lets me expand a bit. Of course I gotta come down from these highs and with sleep, meditation, work, yoga, contact or technical reading, mechanical experimentation( yes brain cells getting busier) get this grounded again quickly in reality otherwise spaced out is like people on weed, acid or so. I don' t go very far, just feel a bit weird, mind is altering slowly enough so I ccan catch up.

After Man - Speculative Zoology


Lentil Dishes


Why Couples Look Similar to Each other


Transparent Solar Panels


Julius Caesar Reformer or Tyrant?


Sonntag, 15. August 2021

Lockdown Differences 

Traditional Color Making


Bionic Limbs


Hemp can save us


Medical Robot Peels Grape


Middle Age Bulge


Afghan Minerals

maybe mining contracts by foreigners will make them rich

Tectonic Time Lapse




Cat Playland


Samstag, 14. August 2021

Elephant Evolution


Dumpster Diving


Sumerian Creation Myth


Alien Biology


Moon cycle and Sleep Connected


Yoga Nidra


Life as a Quest - The Antidote to a Wasted Existence


More Diverse US Population 

Freitag, 13. August 2021

On Fridge Recycling


Dark Side of Fast Fashion

I' ve put up quite a few such videos. Maybe solutions instead of catastrophism would be called for. Astitch in time saves nine, make do and mend, etc. 


84 Yoga Poses in 7 Minutes


Hypersonic Flight


Expanding Comfort Zone


Chuck Norris On Bruce Lee' s Death


Buddha : Three Things that Destroy a Person


Life Limits of 100 Years


Mittwoch, 11. August 2021

Carving Grinlon & Gibboon's Cravat (Victoria & Albert Museum)


The Wolf Song - Nordic Lullaby - Vargsången


Self Hatred


Özgur Baba - Dertli Dolap


Why Having Goals is Unnatual( Taoism)


Zombie Films


Opa Tsupa - Les Deux Gitarres


Why So Many Hindu Gods?


Dienstag, 10. August 2021

End of Tourism? 

Glide on Upward Flow of Consciousness


Couple Lived in a Cave for 60 Years


Kelloggs History


Breaking Through Emotional Barriers


Anoushka Shankar and Manu Delago




Banks - Underdog


Birth Order and Relationships 

I read a few articles. This discusses a detailed book on the subject. For example oldest daughter, oldest son, father was oldest or middle child or what happened to birth order when an older sibling died. It states in one paragraph that platonic relationships are based on similarities, two youngest or oldest children, male or female as friends vs oldest son,/ youngest daughter fulfilling specific roles in a marriage through hard wired habit of personality trait. This is more my experience. As youngest son I am easygoing entertainer, married to an oldest daughter who takes control of social, physical, financial situation and is conservative, responsible. My older brothers do not like her as she is too bossy for their tastes. I relish the fighting however in an odd way and do not take it personally, as they seem to. Friendships for me OTOH are more with youngest children or middle children of either sex. One focuses in these relationships on interests, hobbies, etc and not on establishing a complete structure, as in a family with specialization, like in a factory or business, focused on productivity. Friendship is just for fun, a getaway frim life. I suppose the habits of childhood take over. I only respect an authority figure to give me orders and this person must be inherently authoritative. In friendship I don' t need being ordered about. Anyway, we all have our general experiences in this. I thought about this idea before I learned of astrological psychology but never read in as much detail about it until now. It is an interesting field of study.

Montag, 9. August 2021

Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran 

I used this to learn some French

Gymnasts 20 Years Apart


Animals Save Animals




Transformed Wasteland


Free Speech Problems




Dawn of Ethiopia


Reduce Stress Wim Hof


Sonntag, 8. August 2021

Sustainabe Fishing


Polynesian Ocean Navigation


Nordic Laundromat


Khrushovkya - Soviet Apartment Blocks


Mayan Weavers


Jesus and Buddha - Interfaith Dialogue


Hallucinations of Reality


Super Polluter Power Plants Hold the Key to Change


Donnerstag, 5. August 2021

The Science of Love


The Homeless Boy Who Invented Louis Vuitton


Surfing History


The Restauant Hacking Capitalism


Clean Eating Disorder


Xerox Computer Innovations Stolen by Gates and Jobs


Hellhound, Protector of Souls, Ice Age Mythology


Why are Africans Shocked at Their DNA Results?


Shiva Baby : Paradox of Sexual Liberation


Mittwoch, 4. August 2021

How Many Migration Waves? 

I was researching time difference between the ethnic groups. East Asian to European maybe 42000 years. African to Eurasian is big question here. The rest is easy. Within Europe or Asia regionally to form Russians, Celts, Germanic tribes differences must have been several thousand years and I read once between Midle Eastern and European was about 6000 years. If I were married with a girl of same exact ethnicity as mine it is energetically and emotionally very similar, like in some cultures they marry cousins. However my parents married outside ethnicity and my wife's parents, although northern European types. This makes for avery broad type from Celtic to East Slavic. A study once done on German soldiers found that if tneir parents were from a broader geographic area, i.e. higher genetic diversity( even within Germany, not multiethnic) that the soldiers were taller. I would suspect that this holds true for broad hysical and mental health, higher intelligence and lower susceptibility to accumulated genetic defects as well. Inbreeding is interesting in pets and humans. We look interesting after long group isolation. However this might have its price in odd ethnic genetic anomalies, ilnesses. Doing energy work I perceive also a difference between groups. If  someone is further from my ethnic group it is more diificult for me to grasp their energy field, adapt it to my own. I suppose genes cause vibrations in the body' s energy substructure. Initially learning to feel auras I discovered that similar horoscopes between partners helped greatly, then learned to adapt to almost any horoscope. Now I am slowly loosening and strengthening my energy field to perceive, adapt to all human racial and ethnic groups.  Of course one can become used to animals, trees. Perhaps after getting totally at ease with all human populations I will turn into a spiritual Doctor Dolittle and learn dolphin, whale, tiger, chimp energy sense and differences. After that comes extraterrestrial life but usually proximity is crucial. Maybe they would communicate multidimensionally to me in my subconscious? I always wonder about an endgame, goal to all this( enlightenment?) but somehow I think it just keeps growing.

What Happened to Hare Krishnas


Hopi Prophecy on Ameriica


China's Highways


Stomach Ulcers Cause


Disagreement Without Disrespect


Discovery of Aspirin


Tokyo Olympians Reject Bikini Leotards


Wolf's Turn


Dienstag, 3. August 2021

Plates Made from Pineapple Plants


Why You Don' t Need to be Exceptional


Origin of Pink and Blue for Sex


How A/C Warms the Globe


Network (1976) and its Good Acting


Childfree by Choice


Jane Austen' s House


The Mystery of Time and How to Manage it for Self Development


Montag, 2. August 2021

What Will the James Webb Space Telescope Find?


Lakota in America


The Recycling Myth : What Actually Happens to Our Plastic


The Fall of the Yakuza


The Best Guitar Music Today is Coming from the Sahara


Why Hybrid Animals Will Take Over the Arctic


Nature Has Learned How to Eat Our Plastic


Billionaire Warlords - Why the Future is Medieval


Sonntag, 1. August 2021

Reduce the Surplus Population 

Bella Hadid Became Carla Bruni


Sea Level Rise Seminar - JPL Nasa Goddard


The Soros Nexus


Ancient Mississippian Religion


Decay of Cinema


Unhealthy Ideas that Thwart Happiness




Trash in USA