Freitag, 1. Oktober 2021



I think about how everyone I know has their own peculiarities. I ook at my horoscope conjunctions, moon with Jupiter and Venus with Saturn.The first makes me very preachy and self righteous like a teacher, priest, guru, expert and the second makes me severe and insensitive. After I steamroll over someoneI love dearly and get slapped in the face my pisces sun runs away to cry it out. Of course one never really learns or changes. That is why they call it a " Beziehungskiste".


Sie alle haben Geheimnisse, Wünsche und Nöte und ahnen nicht, in welch komplizierter "Beziehungskiste" sie miteinander verbunden sind.

They all have secrets, desires and hardships and have no idea what a complicated "relationship box" they are connected to each other.

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