Sonntag, 9. Januar 2022

Holy Men Horoscopes : Aurobindo vs Ramakrishna Triple Trigons



Clearly Ramakrishna had a more symmetric triple trigon off the saturn/Jupiter trine with mercury nearly exact and the moon and sun off by some degrees. Aurobindo had two trigons off the moon/ neptune trine and a completely separate trigon with pluto/saturn/ mercury. Aurobindo was mostly fire and earth dominant while Ramakrishna was water and air dominant. While the one man was long lived, intellectual, theoretical, political the other was mystical, emotional, traditional. 

Trigons are a stable pattern and in and of itself do not point to spirituality. It can lead to stasis, narcissism, inwardness when taken alone. My father had a kite formation ( one opposition offsetting the three main planets) and was a devotee of the virgin Mary as a catholic so this seems to tend to religiosity in general.  My own horoscope bothers me as being made by a mathematician or geometrist. It is suspect! Holy rectangle that has the sun in pisces forming the perfect sextile to moon in Taurus while on each side of the sun venus forms a quintile to the moon and mercury a septile, both still in pisces. The parallels to Ramakrishna' s triple trigon pattern intrigued me. I think this type of pattern is stronger than when the planets bundle very closely to form a formation or are too spread apart to count for one at all. A well organized formation organizes one to a high degree. Napoleon had an excellent horoscope formation as I recall. Babaji Nagaraj has the most stable of all possible formations the six pointed star or star of David. This would seem to explain his immortality to a certain extent.

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