Samstag, 1. Januar 2022

Same Zodiac Signs Compatibility 

I think happiness is one thing for the individual short term which a very similar partner brings, similar to cousins marriages as a tradition in many muslim countries. But variety, friction, and teamwork against the external world, made up of various zodiac signs can make a more varied partnership advantageous to balance things out in playing roles in society. Happiness is not everything. A cozy relationship might be fantastical when leaving its bubble. Take examples of people in highly isolated areas of life politically or professionally. Two lawyers or doctors or programmers marry or leftwing hippies or highly religious people. People learn a lot by getting out of their comfort zone. OTOH if they just can' t find a common language then the relationship might fail. Often the astrologers reccomend zodiac signs of the same element.My parents were virgo and capricorn, my in laws were cancer and scorpio. People have a basis of understanding but do not occupy the same exact emotional space all the time. A quincunx can be hard as different elements are involved for the sun signs so much depends on the other personal planets positioning. My wife has sun in leo and I in pisces but her moon conjuncts my sun which makes her very sentimental often after being very strong willed. Her clarity, fast thinking protects me often against my naiveté, weakness in business. In daily life at home  a pisces like myself can feel trampled on however. Perhaps I might have faired better with another water sun sign and she with a sag or aries. However her moon/ saturn conjunction in pisces, direct conjunct to my sun and in her fourth house as well signifies marriage and raising a family with me very clearly. If we survive as a couple past our kids growing and our Saturn return is the major question. Everything has a purpose and a season. Interests grow apart in general. Generally growth and change in an individual through work, hobbies, contacts is varied by personality. My pisces interests have led me towards lots of spirituality and healthy eating, sport. Her interests leave spirituality out but have sport, healthy eating. However open political, historical and philosophical debate takes place. A weight lifter and speedy bike racer vs a yogi, meditator and tai chi practitioner who studies astrology, iching is a challenge but to the outside world it looks realistic. One says to oneself when meeting others, " I don' t do that myself but I can accept this behavior or attitude". I have a sag and a libra brother. So the earth sign parents had no earth sign children. My youngest son however is pisces born two days after me. However he is like his mother as his arising sign is a fire sign, aries, and very quick, mechanically adept and temperamental. The older son is an aries sun sign but similar to myself in general temperament, awkward, shy, intellectual. His venus is conjunct his saturn like mine very nearly and his sun and jupiter are conjunct as my moon and jupiter are. So a shy optimist. Awkwardness physically and towards the fairer sex can also come that we both have mars opposite venus. So much in life depends on so many factors. When people of the same age get together general societal attitudes congeal. This helps overcome any other personality problems. Outer planet formations correspond to these societal attitudes of parents or grandparents. My parents were 7 years apart. Me and my wife only five months apart. Where pluto, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter were at birth is more a generational matter than Mars, Venus, mercury, sun, moon positioning which reflect more annual seasonal or within a 24 month window for mars. Having grown up in a household with a varied astrological background makes one more robust, flexible I believe, similar to being from a multicultural background, as I was. No water sigms to relate to forces more openness. My wife had only water signs. She was the odd one out as a leo.. Her brother had my birthday as well, odd coincidence! My kids learned to read, speak three languages. This slowed their speaking and reading comprehension but in the end they had a much broader base than others. If my whole family had been water signs and monocultural I might have advanced quickly in general, made many friends, instead of drifting in all areas of life due to a lack of immediate core identity which I had to determine over a longer period of time, landing abroad, married to a multicultural wife, with an unconventional career progression. I find for example that it is useful getting lost somewhere new, if only to find one' s way about by trial and error instead of taking the most direct possible route, at least when time isn' t short. 

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