Dienstag, 30. April 2024

Derinkuyu, 3 Thousand Year Old, 8 Story Deep Underground City in Turkey


TTPD Lyrics Breakdown


Climate Proxies: Tree Rings, Ice Cores, Sea Sediment


How Your Adaptations Save Your Life, Only to Doom it

sort of a personal evolutionary dead end. For example people with multiple personalities or narcissists.

Weird Ways to Make Electricity


Koala Baby Rescue


I Built a PC that Makes Coffee


Redheads Facts


Neptune Transit Natal Mercury


My Mercury is in fall in Pisces anyway and now this!

Montag, 29. April 2024

If All Men Disappeared


Genghis Khan


Settlement and Agriculture 23,000 Years Ago by Galilee


Dangerous Ultraprocessed Fake Meat Protein from Soy


Polar Bear Extinction as Example of Noble Cause Corruption


How Bic Pen Changed World by Making Pens Cheap and Increasing Literacy from 1/3 to 90% Globally, 120 Billion Sold, Best Product Ever


Problems with Concrete


Tik Tok Ban For US Empire


Obsession with Safety Leads to Mental Illness and Tyranny


Boy Monks in Japan


Alan Watts: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions


Tornado Alley


Sonntag, 28. April 2024



TTPD Album Reaction


The Future of Silk


Why They Cut the Real Ending of "The Lord of the Rings"


AI Replacing Mathematicians?


Nasa Searches Bottom of Ocean


Bridgmanite, Most Common Mineral, Only Discovered Ten Years Ago


Western Meme Exports : Chinese Thought Transgenderism an Elaborate Joke


Tall White Aliens


Chakra Imbalance


I have lots of growth in chakra strength. My throat or heart have gotten really strong. On Friday I was angry and the energy made my guts so painful.Meditating this morning I felt it like the other centers complete and burning as a big ball for the first time It seems I was always very pacifistic, sedentary and my Dad was no strong decisive type so that in the family we had no strong male figure except my older brother who was not of the best character. Raising my kids I passed on this indecisiveness and my wife had the pants on in the household. My boys are making very little of themselves in life. Perhaps through this change in my chakra balance I can change my karma, perhaps if only for my old age and the next life.  

Samstag, 27. April 2024

How Trans Women are Erasing Biological Women Forever


Equality is Over


Slavery in Modern Africa


Fleeing the Cult: Detransitioner Slams Trans Ideology


Essential Ear Training


Your Chances of Existing


AI Beauty Contest


Lunar Satellites


Reality Shifting

Strangely a couple days ago I thought how I should visit aliens on another planet as earth is boring, having met all types of humans and become familiar with animals. I thought I could just transfer my consciousness there, perhaps while dreaming and the next night I recalled like having floated in my dream. If there are other dimensions, inhabited planets, how can we really contact them? Obviously conventionally won't really work. I think the deeper my control over my energy body gets the more I will get this. We live very superficially as conscious beings in a very constructed reality, common to us and other earth, biological beings possibly with pure material existence. Matrix, Maya, etc. 

Freitag, 26. April 2024

Rafah Invasion Provokes Student Protests


Clara Bow History


HSP/ Empath Traits


NYT a Mouthpiece for Western Imperialism


Why I Admire Putin


Indie/Pop/Folk Compilation


Things Australians Find Normal But Others Find Bizarre


Psychopathic Hookup Culture


Kibbutz History


Dating Violence in Korea


Donnerstag, 25. April 2024

Transitioning For Perks?


Was Iraq War About Israel or Oil?


Flirting 101


Feminist Finally Admits that Casual Sex has Destroyed Women


The Fundamental Flaw of Neo-Advaita, The Bastardization of Eastern Spirituality


Leaky Feelings: How Emotional Incongruence Gives us Weird Energy and how to Change it


Trump Bible Translation(satire)


Why Adult Children Go No Contact

Hey, I left to the other side of the world! Like Get a life.

What Boredom Teaches You


Don't Waste Your Life


Coarse vs. Fine Grit Knife Edges Under a Microscope


Ukraine's Fascists History


Free Speech in Front of Woke School Board

My generation was politically passive. Not so nowadays.

Lawsuits Coming Against LGBT Title IX Amendments


Mittwoch, 24. April 2024

When You Can't Remember Your Childhood Trauma


Proof a Narcissist Has no Friends


Narcissism as Defense Against Bipolar Disorder


Anxious vs Avoidant Emotional Style and Emotional Pain


Amy Winehouse Concert


Live Super Pink Moon


Top Fatal Diseases


Bush Barbie


Dienstag, 23. April 2024

Why are Lemon Sharks Yellow


Musk's Moonbase


Qigong Routine to Strengthen Internal Organs


Electric Cars Dead End


Drizzle Drizzle vs Sprinkle Sprinkle


Channel Your Inner Artist and Turn Your Sadness into Beauty


Kelly Clarkson Over the Rainbow Technically Corrected Compared to Judy Garland Natural Version


Sigma Empaths

I read about empaths and noticed videos on sigma males, now to increase clicks they combine them. Is either one real? Do people just invent this stuff? 

Montag, 22. April 2024

42% of Gen Z is Not Mentally Ill


Mid Atlantic Accent Tutorial


Physical Labor and Emotional Well Being

Right on my way of thinking. Reality based.


Lies of Hookup Culture( book discussion)

sociosexuality- how much one is willing to accept loveless, casual sex

pseudorelationship- a couple, for example at a university, are having sex regularly and only with each other, but with the understanding that it is not exclusive, there is no commitment and this can last months or years when really the one or other really just wants to be able to hold hands in public and be acknowledged as a couple.( to me it sounds like an illicit affair) . 

She says that men accept casual sex much easier than women and with almost any woman while woman are cautious, picky. Hookup culture works essentially on average for men and only for some women. 

I wonder then why I see all those negative male made videos about women in modern relationships. My Dad's old joke was classic " why can' t a woman be more like a man?" , i.e. logical and rational. If young men want plannable hookups leading to maybe a relationship then they are not planning female "irrationality." As explained in the book review, women don' t get much orgasms in hookups but only in deeply comitted relationships. Women's whole emotional, physical system is involved when they have sex. Men are more genital fixated. Women feel the whole social situation and their whole body. Their breasts are erotically connected to their vagina and of course lips. Stimulate the breast and the heart chakra gets activated. They start to fall in love. 

I personally have venus conjunct saturn in my birth horoscope. This is is extremely difficult for such people to have casual sex. Promiscuity is for other people.


Travelling Flame


Real Medieval Fire Arrows


Why S. Korea's Fertility Crisis is insoluble( Solution offered)


Rival Monkey Gangs Fight on the Thai Street(Covid times when not fed well)


Vegans in Danger


The Purpose of Lore and Canon


Mozart Symphony no. 35, Barenboim


Smithsonian Rare Instrument Collection


Sonntag, 21. April 2024

Saturn Transit Natal Sun


When Saturn transits conjunct the Sun, our level of maturity, realism, and responsibility come up for inspection. It’s a time when we’re assessing the goals we have set for ourselves, as well as our very character. We’re re-evaluating them for strength and purpose, testing them against reality. Saturn has a way of slowing down our lives–as if it’s forcing us to take a really good look at it.

Because the Sun rules our vitality, we may feel our energy is somewhat depleted. In fact, we begin to feel our age and the pressures that accompany it. We may feel alone and un-parented or unsupported.

This can also be a time when we’re assessing our achievements to date. Certainly, we’re more sensitive to whether or not we have been recognized on either personal and professional levels. Whether others recognize our talents, abilities, and unique individuality and character becomes especially concerning to us.

We also tend to be self-critical and/or feel others do not support or recognize us enough. This process is necessary, as we are learning to see ourselves more realistically–without rose-colored glasses. That way, we can move forward with a stronger sense of purpose. It may be a time when we cut out projects or relationships that no longer work for us or were built on weak foundations. In essence, we’re conserving our energy for those things that do work for us. Building and strengthening efforts are worthwhile.

Astrology 3rd House


My sun, venus, mercury, saturn and chiron in 3rd house pisces so I am trendsetter, intellectually nimble but also slow, thoughtful. Emphasis on family and with saturn return these family themes, contacts intensifying.

Ozempic Face, Obsession with Thin, Beautiful Faces


Classical Serenades


Niger Rejects US Colonialist Military


Women's Equaliy vs. Men's Equality

Rousseau Social Contract


A deeper view is necessary. It seems that at the moment the leftwing is in the ascendant generally. Females and minorities use emotional themes to push their interests forward. The dominant role of the white male in society is attacked as a great evil or of males in relationships. Rational historical past achievements are denied like previous poverty of all people under kings, dictators and the fight for democracy or the male essential role in essential technological infrastructure, military defense, etc. This extreme leftwing tendency has created a blowback which is reestablishing a balance in society. The Founding Fathers were not just evil slaveholders. All men are not just Players, who you must outplay in a vicious darwinian zero sum game and then perhaps to play it safe in girl on girl affair. A hatred towards religious authority and governmental authority which have been traditionally white and male and hetero seems to justify the trend. However, every rebellion is necessarily a teen phase to be outgrown. Once one is in the driver's seat of power, decisionmaking, grueling tawdry of work is no different than 50s housewifery cage. In old Rome they celebrated for a day allowing peasants and leaders to switch roles for a day. Likely there was a good reason for this and a great deal of wisdom.


Aurora Collaborates with Mother Nature( official UN ) - A Soul With No King

Nature sounds in background.

Natalia Lafourcade - Parajito Colibri(lyrics Spanish with English translation)

Pajarito colibrí, no tengas miedo de salir

Little hummingbird, don't be afraid to come out

Hoy el mundo quiere que despiertes para ser feliz

Today the world wants you to wake up to be happy

Pajarito colibrí, no tengas miedo de vivir

Little hummingbird, don't be afraid to live

Que la noche oscura y misteriosa baila para ti

May the night, dark and mysterious, dance for you

Cuando sientas que infinito el mundo

When you feel that the world is infinite

Se abre ante tus alas, dentro de tu pecho

It opens before your wings, inside your chest

Pierdas el aliento, pídele al cielo

Lose your breath, ask the heavens

Que te haga volar

That it makes you fly

Y si sientes vértigo en el vuelo

And if you feel vertigo on your flight

Que se enciende el fuego dentro de tu pecho

May the fire ignite inside your chest

Pide al universo, en tu ser entero

Ask the universe, in your entire being

Dulce libertad

Sweet freedom

Todo va a estar bien, pajarito colibrí

Everything is going to be alright, hummingbird

Ya no tengas miedo de vivir

May you no longer be afraid to live

Todo va a estar bien, pajarito colibrí

Everything is going to be alright, hummingbird

Tú llegaste al mundo para ser feliz

You came into the world to be happy

Hoy los valles, bosques y montañas quieren verte ir

The valleys, forests and mountains want to see you go today

Hoy senderos, mares y las nubes velarán por ti

Trails, seas and clouds will watch over you today

Si de amores andas sollozando, sin poder dormir

If you're sobbing about love, unable to sleep

Solo canta, quiebra la garganta, es hora de partir

Just sing, break your throat, it's time to go

Cuando sientas que infinito el mundo

When you feel that the world is infinite

Se abre ante tus alas, dentro de tu pecho

It opens before your wings, inside your chest

Pierdas el aliento, pídele al cielo

Lose your breath, ask the heavens

Que te haga volar

That it makes you fly

Y si sientes vértigo en el vuelo

And if you feel vertigo on your flight

Que se enciende el fuego con tu movimiento

May that fire be lit with your movement

Pide al universo, en tu ser entero

Ask the universe, in your entire being

Dulce libertad

Sweet freedom

Todo va a estar bien, pajarito colibrí

Everything is going to be alright, hummingbird

Ya no tengas miedo de vivir

May you no longer be afraid to live

Todo va a estar bien, pajarito colibrí

Everything is going to be alright, hummingbird

Tú llegaste al mundo para ser feliz

You came into the world to be happy

Bien, pajarito colibrí

Little hummingbird, good

Ya no tengas miedo de vivir

May you no longer be afraid to live

Todo va a estar bien, pajarito colibrí

Everything is going to be alright, hummingbird

Tú llegaste al mundo para ser feliz

You came into the world to be happy


13 Year Old Girls Refuse To Compete With Trans

This is the logical next step. This is like the sex strike for women's voting rights or other general strike behavior. They have it in their power. Males remain males regardless.

Learn Irish


Samstag, 20. April 2024

Don't Be a "Forever Girlfriend"

Long term trend is common law marriage with kids, house, no marriage if tax and other laws makes it worse or makes child care rights equivalent regardless of the legal status. IOW marriage is more a religious thing, meaning 'till death do us part' could be a lie even with marriage vows so why bother. At work, my neighbors I notice this. Marriage comes maybe after pregnancy or with age and greater certainty or not at all if the situation is comfortable. 


German Government Loses Against Supreme Court( Verfassungsgericht) in Case Forbidding Vlogger Free Speech to Criticize Govt Policy

Gleichschaltung no!


Bison, People and Plains


Clearing Your Allostatic Load Makes Laziness Impossible


Fortnight TS MV


Why You Should Eat Chocolate Every Day


Why Your Ancestors Didn't Need Braces


Avoidant Attachment : Intellectual Bypassing and How to Start Feeling Again


Freitag, 19. April 2024

Russia's Tactical Evolution During the Ukraine War


AI Girlfriends


Illustrations of Emmett Watson


Isabella - She-Wolf of France


Color Theory and Temperature


The Greatest Singer You Can't Understand


Is Ballet Becoming a Sport?


Picasso and Opium: Art Under the Influence


Donnerstag, 18. April 2024

Touch Starvation

Earthing balances inner energy flow and touching as well I believe could be shown to have a grounding effect. I really ground with lots of people( non touch, eye contact, opening my heart up to people, etc) and I don't go around on the earth barefoot, although I hug trees. I think we should do technical studies in this direction. Pets could help enormously as well as houseplants, gardening and sport, yoga, meditation to balance blocked flows in the body. I even feel that exercise is not enough. Hard labor, exhaustion really gets energy going as we were made for this. Body has to be maxed out. Most yogis, meditators are sedentary office types so their big energy growth never hapens. It just goes wild from years of hard labor plus all the other practices. Maybe I am still seeking. On vacation I can chill but I fear retirement stopping my growth of the last years. 

Government Cloud Seeding in Dubai Causes Record Flooding

Heads will roll in certain ministries and in Arab countries this is literally understood.


Official Studies, Rowling Condemn Teen Transition Practice

Lazy medical malpractice catering to activists with a mission.

Next stop euthanasia on demand for teen depression!

Transition Regret Stories

Like cutting off your balls or tits is a good idea, wtf.

Giant Manta Ray Biology


Avicenna Great Muslim Philosopher


English Country House


Octopus Graveyard


Lengthen Telomeres by 100%


Food Conglomerates Getting Rich by Poisoning Us




Ultimate Guide to Nuclear Weapons


Evolution of Cannabis


Ancient Seaway Discovered


Mittwoch, 17. April 2024

What Were Humans Made to Eat?


The Patriarchy is Modern Infrastructure Made by Men, Supporting Female Independence

Take first electric grids, household appliances, streets, cars, modern farming, supermarkets.Take it all away and like in 1910 monday all women spend the whole day scrubbing clothes. Go shoppping daily, no fridge. Repair or make own clothes. Do gardening and canning. Not to mention internet luxury of latest era. Female physical freedom for example in movement through polyester, latex makes bras, stockings, etc. available. 

What I Saw in Gaza - Israeli Sociopathy will be Studied by Scientists

nearly a century later people ask how could the NS regime and common people have committed such atrocities in Europe. The mongol hordes were similarly brutal. How do humans get like this?


Why Leaving the US is the New American Dream


4 Bands that Will Still Be Played in 2100


Psychiatrist Analyzes Joel Cauchi - Bondi Sydney Amok Stabber


Dormant Black Hole Found Near Earth


The Slavic Bimbo and Tradwife Myth


Household Objects Causing Cancer


Dubai Flooded(yt short)


40% of Island Wiped Out by Volcano


Dienstag, 16. April 2024

5 Human Species Lived Alongside US


Iranian Hypersonic Missiles Evaded Israeli Defenses


Oil Crisis Due to Middle East War?


Make a Double Recurve Bow With Adjustable Draw Weight


Evaluation of Renewables


New German Liberal Gender Law Criticized by Ex Communist Wagenknecht


BBC Left Bias


Phillip Glass - Opening


Is Ticketmaster a Criminal Conspiracy?


Montag, 15. April 2024

Thelonius Monk - Straight, No Chaser electric guitar cover


Lion Tries to Outrun Cheetah


Modern Women Getting a Reality Check on Being Independent

I don't like watching these divisive opinionated videos about the war of the sexes. I think however that the roles we play are crucial and define society. Women have continued to gain more responsibility and power in society. Jobs are less mechanical and more service oriented requiring female communications skills. Very high paying jobs are still male technical though. Average men compete with women everywhere though. Family life definitely suffers. Who earns more? Who has to switch careers, is unemployed, neeeds retraining during a relationship? What if a kid is born? The state support system, different everywhere is then crucial. The example in the video is USA pure, 9 months pregnant, 11 hour shift standing. Dickensian. I recall my stay at home mother. Social isolation, loneliness degrades a person, like when one has a long spell of unemployment. Then throw three small kids and a disrespectful husband into the mix. That was the silent generation whose despair gave birth to boomer freedoms. 

These videos are all of the 30 year olds with zero perspective on how great it really is to be a 50s housewife. Obviously my wife worked continuously in a hard nursing career from 16 years on( on the job training after finishing school). At 33 she was very glad for a ten or more year child raising break. Coming back to work later after getting fit, losing weight through sport, diet she was ready to roll. But I saw the crazy times when she was a stay at home mother being testy, moody, stressed out. Friends are coincidental other mothers met at playgrounds, waiting to pick up kids at school. When the teens leave school, she went back to working half time and did regular sport the moods evened out. My Mom did not get these opportunities. University studies, a bit of work then marriage and kids but no further career except some more studies and failure to get back onto career ladder as a teacher. No sport, few friends, hobbies and bothersome boys and husband equals a desolate deterioration, particularly in the arctic climate we lived in for an immigrant. 

My two bits here on the current arguments. I prefer less rights, less pay. I have seen the downside and entered the workforce after endless useless studies, very late. A penny saved is a penny earned. Hobbies like yoga, reading, fitness and doing more with less give quality relationship, lifestyle and not competition in job, housing, cars, clothes, vacations with everyone around you. Maybe I am just gen z before they came. Low effort, high life quality and not high achiever for the corporate machine( patriarchy, the man). 

3rd Party Candidates in US Election


Raiders March from Raiders of the Last Ark Orchestral


Become a Better Musician in 10 Minutes


Horse Massage, Pregnancy Update


Conjugate to be in Croatian


Sonntag, 14. April 2024

OJ Simpson Analysis


Russian Agricultural Miracle


Urban Guerrillas of the 70s


Once Upon a Time in Mongolia, romantic full length film


A Discovery of Witches season 1, Episode 1


Equatorial Guinea Kleptocracy


Bushcraft Survival Tree Shelter


Iran Attacks Israel


Chivalry Dead

I am definitely insensitive and not chivalrous or gentlemanly but I have really had to learn hard to be emotionally open anyway. My wife never seemed to notice but she was raised soviet, equal rights for sexes. I think this is cultural. My English mom was no fancy, romantic French girl but practical, cold, commonsense. I don' t recall her hugging me, seeing my parent hugging or kissing or any overt chivalric attitudes from my dad, brothers. If it was carrying heavy things, doing repairs, taking out garbage, ok. Flowers and stuff hardly. Opening doors for ladies extra violates their sense of self confidence. Everyone needs autonomy like car driving or finances. This video discusses southern USA vs north. Europe has a similar divide. Russians are not as emotional, romantic as Ukrainians for example. But getting at a woman' s heart is the key whatever cultural environment. It seems times move fast and change too much so that nobody can agree on standard rules. 

Samstag, 13. April 2024

Sydney Mall Stabbing with 6 Dead , 8 Wounded by Bondi Beach


How Dune Gets Religious Psychology Exactly Right


Ballerina and Pianist Edith Piaf in Train Station


WWII Wreck Full of Explosives Sunk Off English Coast


Al Di Meola - Creating Rhythmic Suspense on the Guitar


West Destroying International Law Will Pay the Consequences


My New Bug Out Vehicle


Excess Mortality in Younger and Middle Aged People

The shot causes all sorts of damage in dna, arterial blockage, uterus damage. Older people somehow more resistant. Technology has to be banned.

Christians Persecuted In Israel

Why do hypocrites then decry antisemitism anywhere else!

Freitag, 12. April 2024

One Minute Time Machine short film


Remote Blue Hole Filled With Hundreds of Sharks


Bad Airplane Behavior

I used to stretch out on Greyhound buses going cross country.

Drum Tao on Late Show


Flowing Water Guqin


Babymonster - 'Stuck in the Middle'


Thai New Year


Recharge EVs With Diesel Generator


Donnerstag, 11. April 2024

Inside DARPA


My Herbal Collection


Feeding a Village with Just My Speargun


Huge Flood in Russia


Why Cute Penguins are Stolen on Antarctica


Sci-Fi Comedy "You Eat Other Animals?" ( Vegan Aliens)

As always this just shows modern relationship problem and male female split. Women are extreme left wing, men more traditional.

Orca Kills 3 People in Front of Audience at Seaworld


USA Gun Dilemma

Massive military budget, militarization of the police, everybody on drugs, alienation from nature, sitting at desks, in cars, in front of screens your whole life and then the symptom is freaking out and killing a bunch of people with weapons at hand. In other countries it is knives or men get together to form criminal gangs in inner city or war bands, islamist extremists. Men nedd a purpose. I see videos talking about how dating market is broken as commitment is zero and marriage, childbirth is way down. Meaningful jobs, social cohesion is way down. We can't see all this in isolation as schools teach kids they have to change genders or being white is evil. 2nd amendment gun preaching is just flip side of a destructive materialist society gone riot. Who needs a gun in Japan?

US Artillery Doesn't Work, "Profit Over Purpose"


Mittwoch, 10. April 2024

GoPro Selfie Stick for Vloggers

Thinking of all the vlogs I have seen this changes it to be more dynamic.

Why Gifted Kids are Actually Special Needs

The brainy nerd has low social intelligence. This can be caught up on later if they leave books by side.

Convert from New Age to Christianity


What Made Me Excited About Life


Whale Pushes Paddleboarder Gently With Fin


How Doctors are Paid to Keep us Sick


Thunberg's Downfall


How Japanese Housewives Outsmarted Global Finance


The Biological Clock - Women Over 30


Bears Joyride


5000 Year Old Cypress


Dienstag, 9. April 2024

Hawaiian Politician Does Yoga, Meditates Regularly

I know yoga was very faddish in the 70s but has become more normal nowadays like jogging, fitness training. For an Indian descent person like Tulsi this seems very normal although not all indians are interested. Fascinatingly they are getting more interested in India again due to Western influence. Yoga has become quite the fad there. From 19th century on they aped western ways. Now there is a two way street culturally and economically from hitech to yoga. Same with Chinese martial arts and economic, technical developments. 

Kipling said
"East is East and West is West and the twain shall never meet."
Obviously the last century has proven him wrong.


Longest Solar Eclipse Since 1806 in N. America


Dark History of the Kibbutz - How "Socialist" Zionists Colonized Palestine

Again, as in the previous video on the ai kill programs, this whole motivation and determination roots in the death camps, pogroms, antisemitism. I see the Russian determination to denazify Ukraine and reorganize the world from western dominated in light of 27 millions killed by Hitler. Also Russia's mild circumspectal reaction to Israel can be seen in this mutual suffering under Hitler. Bringing all of society around them up to their level of inner PTSD, paranoia, rage, self defensiveness is the only way to stop them. This seems to have happened in all directions around Israel. 

Ex Satanist Reveals Blue Protective Dome Over Christian Prayer Groups Shields from Attacks


Aussie Actress Criticizes Woke Aus/UK Society


Gravity as Time Curvature




Zebra Finch - Smallest Bird You've Ever Seen


'Lavender' - Israel's AI Terminator Kill List For Gaza / Automated Unchecked Genocide


'Where's Daddy' AI Death Machine Revealed

80 years after the holocaust, history repeats itself exactly according to generational theory.  No rules, no mercy. Strauss and Howe were exactly right. 

False Myth of the Destruction of the Alexandria Library


Store Closed, All Fired as California Min Wage Goes to $20 /Hr.


The Big Lie About Nuclear Waste


Nestle's Darkest Secret


Red Rock Turns into Amazing Gemstone


I Experienced Chi Force


Montag, 8. April 2024

Arkansas Police Execute Best Paid Privat Citizen in Little Rick in Pre-Dawn Unannounced Home Raid

I expect to hear this sort of thing about a drug dealer's house in the ghetto. Militarization of the police is due to overseas adventurism and general miltarized mindset. No one is held accountable. This is much worse than the George Floyd case  but there will be no riots or uprisings against the state. White Lives Matter movement? No way. 


Luthier Built Guitars


Ancient World A/C


Ashkenazi Genetic Origins European?

This thesis obviously leads one to presume that a small exile jwish community after Rome expelled them tried officially to maintain blood purity but as in many cases simply accepted children born who were obviously different from one parent, ignoring that the mother was sleeping around. Slowly this percentage of inofficially mixed children grew from generation to generation until many jews have lost semitic origins completely. I have read that everywhere on earth such children do make up a significant portion of births so that this is entirely normal. The jewish culture however would have remained intact and eventually after the enlightenment mixed marriages and conversions in both directions were allowed. Shepardic jews became arabic in the same way. Ashkenazi settlement of Israel is then a European colonization of the Middle East. Perhaps if they stay there long enough this genetic process will reabsorb them and they will lose again their genetic connection to Europeans and become again true semitics like the arabs they are surrounded by in daily life. 

Are Dragons Really a Myth?


Numerology of Your Name


Islam Origins


Swedish Habits For Health and Happiness


Sonntag, 7. April 2024

Urgent Warning For All Preppers and Homesteaders


If Every Movie Was Promoted as Gay


Paul Dirac's Beautiful Equation Revealed Symmetry of the Universe


Cilantro Didn't Always Taste Like Soap


Anime's Obsession with Europe


Evolution of Classical Music


Linux Got Wrecked by Backdoor Attack


Zimbabwe Launches Gold Backed Currency