Montag, 6. Juli 2020

US Color Revolution?

I read a German language article which translated a Russian news broadcast which used the term color revolution and spoke of Soros financing, manipulating poor blacks to act as battering ram for democrats against Trump.

The above author says it is more complicated than that. I think generally incomes have stagnated on inflation adjusted basis since the 70s, the golden years and that only the rich have gotten it better and that therefore people are more stressed and full of hate and looking for a fight. This is expressly discussed in the generational theory of Strauss ynd Howe written in the 90s. Good times lead to a baby boom and with too many people comes scarcity and crisis conflict follows. We see this when we breed animals in captivity uncontrollably. I think it is an ecological problem. US population has about tripled in 100 years. Oil production and coal is generally in decline( fracking is short term freak occurrence built on debt). Cheap imports from China have the price of lost middle class jobs at home. The solution is credit card use to pay the bills today. So in the end visceral atavistic hatreds erupt. In every society on earth this cycle recurs. Rwanda, Germany in 30s, Chinese civil war and revolution, Russian revolution, etc. If race differences are not apparent then religious differences(India/Pakistan) or class warfare(now passé but earlier under monoethnic cultures normal) during French, Russian, Cambodian revolutions will be utilized. The brain needs justification for patterns it sees. Who is to blame for my misery, poverty? A 'Them' must be created. It is hard to just see it scientifically. Hyperinflation in Weimar Germany destroyed the middle class giving rise to antisemitism as conspiracy theory about global communism spreading. Nowadays both left and right have their extreme paranoias that cherry pick worst behaviors of extremists on both sides to justify theories they have developed. This continues to ratchet up until everyone gets into a bloodthirsty frenzy and mass killing ensues. Once the population is reduced and shadow work is done then people get quiet, there is more for everyone and one can wonder ' how could we have ever acted so badly'.  Rwanda, Nazi Germany, Russian Revolution, Modern USA are all similar. This is biology. 

So don' t get caught up in Trump Derangement Syndrome/BLM propaganda on the one 
side or paranoia on the other. Cold analysis in meditative calmness of deeper truths is neccessary. 

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