Donnerstag, 9. Juli 2020

William Blake and Spiritual Sexuality

Last full day of two week vacation at the island on a non beach vacation due to bad weather. Yesterday ten miles walked at speed. Did laundry and returned over the coast where the nature protection area has birds sitting en masse. We saw wild pheasants in fields most days and took long walks. My wife has an app she uses over her wrist gadget attached to her phone. Of over a million people she is among top 15% and top 8% in her age group. Keeping pace with her stride over these miles I could see why. Walking ten or 15,0000 paces per day at home and on the streets( at home she bikes around the lake in the city center) is lots of work. The app motivates her, gives her a reference point to others. It reminded me of the video from DW below on social media beauty cult where some nowadays instead of getting thin, get super fit like Arnold Schwarzemegger. My wife went from 87 Kg to around 60 kg in 3 years and does stretching and a bit of weightlifting in her room. She eats protein powder, soya and watches her diet very closely. This focus has given her new life and now she has gone back to more work and is earning more money (halftime)ater a long time as housewife and temp worker for a small amount of money. So even at mid fifties one can completely transform one's self image. As in the video however I worry about the effect of social media on the young. My wife sees no pictures. It is just a list of people and rankings by paces per day and she is old enough hopefully not to put too much importance in that competitition. Just imagine if I started instagramming my yoga and trying to reach ever more difficult positions then constantly got injured This might be a problem. 

 I just finished reading my book on the Tirumandiram yesterday. I had skipped most of chapters one and two till the end so at the end of chapter two the discussion was about the relationship with God. We start as servant, become sons, then friend and at the end we think constantly of God, have endless desire. The obvious conclusion was exclude, that God becomes our lover. This brought back memories of high school lit class and William Blake. I was not sure what we had read but I had gotten that impression of his ideas back then wrt God as lovr. Below is a citation I found about his pracrices in mmagical, hippy days of the late 18th century. 

When one practices spirituality and distance romance this schools one's sensitivity to the fact of God, like a distant lover as a constant presence in one's heart and body in a sort of erotic immersion and trains one to see God also in this manner not as something external to oneself but as being one with God

According to the Kabbalistic theories adopted by Zinzendorf, God and the universe are composed of dynamic sexual potencies (the sephiroth) which interact with each other and produce orgasmic joy when in perfect equilibrium. In the Holy of Holies of the Temple in Jerusalem, a golden sculpture of male and female cherubim guarded the Ark of the Covenant. The Kabbalists claimed that the cherubim were entwined in the act of marital intercourse, thus forming an emblem of God’s joyful marriage with his female emanation, the Shekhinah (or Jerusalem). When the Temple was sacked by pagans, the erotic statuary was paraded through the streets in order to ridicule the Jews. That Blake was aware of this tradition is suggested by his reference to the defilement of Jerusalem, “Thy Tabernacle taken down, thy secret Cherubim disclosed.”

After the destruction of the Temple, the re-joining of the cherubim (and thus the reintegration of the male and female within God) depends upon the reverent act of sacramental intercourse by the devout Kabbalist and his wife. This reintegrative process can also take place within the adept’s mind, while he meditates upon the male and female potencies of Hebrew letters and numbers until he reaches a state of visionary trance. God’s androgynous essence is manifested in the microcosmic body of Adam Kadmon (the Grand Man), and the Kabbalists portray the divine processes within that body “in vividly sexual terms.” Blake’s declarations to a confused Crabb Robinson that “we are all coexistent with God; members of the Divine Body, and Partakers of the Divine Nature,” which was originally androgynous and manifested in “a union of sexes in man” reveal his familiarity with this Kabbalistic tradition.

“a golden sculpture of male and female cherubim guarded the Ark of the Covenant”. It is not clear in what form or position these male and female cherubim originally appeared: the Kabbalists claimed that the cherubim were entwined in the act of marital intercourse.

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