Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2020

Gemini North Node in Sixth House(my placement)

Usually we notice planets, ascendants, houses, even transits. Nodes are also important. Nodal return is occurring now for my year and for older boomers( Trump) and some older millenials(37 years )and late teens(18-19)This is important, like Saturn return and a worthy topic to research.

Your North Node Life Path:

Gemini and Sagittarius are the signs of communication and learning. If you born with a Gemini north node or a Sagittarius north node, your life purpose could include teaching, learning, writing and spreading a message. These lunar nodes are constantly gathering and disseminating knowledge. They are the most interactive of all nodes and could have a wide array of friends and acquaintances.

Gemini rules local travel and familiar faces, while Sagittarius is the global ambassador. If your north node is in Sagittarius, you may be more comfortable in a close community where you are well-known. Traveling (a Sagittarius-ruled pursuit) could make you nervous, especially when you’re younger. You could even have a phobia of flying! Yet, when you embrace the wider world, you go through massive spiritual growth. Gemini is the sign of the Twins, and Gemini south nodes are forever seeking a kindred spirit who “gets” them. These people need to push themselves to branch out and take risks, independent of their steady wingman. Gemini rules the hands and these south node people may be gifted with theirs, working as craftspeople, musicians, writers or hands-on heal verbal prowess to manipulate others. Some may even have been liars, petty thieves and con artists. (Many Gemini south node people admit to small acts of shoplifting or chronic fibbing as kids!) In this lifetime, they must watch a tendency to twist words or play with people’s minds. Others can fall prey to master manipulators and guru figures, ending up as victims of deceit. Cultivating the Sagittarius north node traits of honesty and big-picture perspective can help these people rise into their highest selves, shedding the karma of these past lives.

Gemini north node people have the opposite dilemma. They’ve seen the world, have diverse friends and lovers in every port, and now must learn to stay in one place! If your south node is in worldly Sagittarius, you’ve had lifetimes as a “Marco Polo” explorer type or a lofty, ivory tower scholar. The Gemini north node person’s challenge is putting down roots. They are also learning to see the world through a simple, common-sense perspective, using facts instead of endlessly philosophizing. The K.I.S.S. (“Keep It Simple Sweetheart”) acronym should be their mantra.

Forever on the go, Gemini north nodes may resist settling into a community. Many Gemini north node people prefer to live in large cities or university towns. Wanderlust strikes often, and their jobs may involve travel, foreign language or publishing. They love to be around the Sagittarius-ruled energy of higher learning and foreign influences. Gemini is the sign of verbal communication. Gemini north node people are learning the art of dialogue, versus the one-sided conversation. They may struggle with the Sagittarius tendency toward bluntness and know-it-all arrogance. The Gemini north node must develop better interpersonal communication skills, such as active listening and mirroring. (Luckily, they can indulge their Sagittarius south node passion for learning by taking workshops about these very topics!)

Gemini North Node

Release (Sagittarius south node):
Ungrounded wanderlust, fixating on the future, righteous zealotry, being a jack of all trades, biting off more than you can chew, speaking without gathering the facts, being overly philosophical or getting lost in theory, arrogance, hedonism and greed, lasciviousness, overwhelming yourself with too many options, boorish and opinionated behavior

Embrace (Gemini north node):
Community activism, “being here now,” playful exploration, doing one thing at a time, dialogue and active listening skills, partnerships and dynamic duos, local activity and hobbies

Famous Gemini North Nodes: Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Mark Zuckerberg, Khloe Kardashian, Charlie Sheen, J.K. Rowling, Gianni Versace, David Bowie, Keanu Reeves, Amy Winehouse, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Freddie Mercury, Che Guevara, Vincent Van Gogh, Bjork, Sylvester Stallone, Mila Kunis, Robert Downey Jr., Cher, Elton John, Sarah Jessica Parker, Andy Warhol, Olivia Wilde, Chris Hemsworth, David Lynch, Brooke Shields, Dolly Parton, Ben Stiller

Dec 14, 1945 – Aug 2, 1947 * Aug 26, 1964 – Feb 19, 1966 * Mar 17, 1983 – Sep 11, 1984 * Oct 14, 2001 – Apr 14, 2003 • May 6, 2020 – January 18, 2022

North Node in 6th House

You, a carrier of the North Node in 6th House, are full of spiritual knowledge, having passed many lifetimes — or perhaps your childhood — in contemplation and meditation.  You find it natural to spend time in deep thought, alone and lost in yourself.   The more you do this, however, the more paranoid and unstable you become.  The universe will no longer support you in escaping reality or losing yourself in imaginary worlds, both of which undermine your self-confidence and acerbate your nervousness.

Because of past experiences, you, having the North Node in 6th House placement, find organization challenging and have trouble budgeting your time.  This makes work difficult.  You must steer away from self-pity to a path of responsibility and discipline.  Scary though it may seem, the discipline will build your confidence and soothe your soul.  Apply restrictions to your thoughts and diet, as well, to keep grounded.

Traditionally this placement indicates good physical health, as the universe will support your efforts to take care of your body.  You may have a secret desire to become a medical doctor, natural healer, nutritionist, or nurse, for your know there is healing power within you.  Good luck with small animals is also indicated in the North Node in 6th House nodal placement.

The emphasis this lifetime is on addressing mental and physical health issues. You may spend some significant portion of your life in a hospital, prison, monastery, or otherwise “institutionalized.”  The routine and order of such a place can help you build faith and heal.   However you choose to ground yourself, it’s important that you do so.  Anne HecheHeath Ledger, and Mel Gibson, each described at one time or another as imbalanced, share this placement with you.

You have chosen a lifetime of service to others.  This requires developing any talents you have and paying attention to detail.  You will find it fulfilling to become an expert in some area.  Though focusing is not natural to you, the more you do it, the more you will like it.   You would make a fine accountant, editor, analyst, or hairdresser.  It does not matter what you choose as a career, however.  The spiritual task of the North Node in 6th House is to learn about the world around you, figure out how you can contribute to it, and work, work, work.

Because of your sensitive nature, you will find many of the things you are asked to do in life unpleasant.  Resist the tendency to feel sorry for yourself.  It’s important the carrier of the North Node in 6th House go about daily routine with a smile.  Complete the tasks at hand, though they tax your abilities or seem unfairly distributed to you.  At your worst, you hide behind paranoid fantasies, letting others work while you wallow in self-pity.  In this lifetime, completing even the most unpleasant tasks brings a sense of accomplishment and great self-confidence.

Do not despair that your work is not good enough, that the outcome of your endeavors is not ideal, that you are unloved, or that people let you down.   You are here to experience “real life” which is messy, imperfect, and sometimes disappointing.   It is nevertheless wonderful — and certainly can’t be improved by your worrying.   Build your mental and physical strength, maintain a positive attitude, and contribute where you can.  How surprised you will be to find a deep well of faith growing inside you.

You may have success at fields which allow you to combine your natural insight about people with learning some sort of craft.  More than a few accomplished astrologers have this node placement, including J. Lee LehmanLouise HuberAlan Leo, and Noel Tyl.  Sigmund FreudAlbert CamusJane Addams, and Noam Chomsky are good examples of insight applied to improve the human condition in other fields.

Routine, boundaries, details, necessities, physical and mental health, these are your allies in service.  Your lifetimes of torment are over.  The sooner you bury the past and start participating in the present, the sooner you will become all of which you are capable: a powerful and confident person. The North Node in 6th house is described by astrologer Martin Schulman as “one of the most compassionate, beautiful and useful people in the Zodiac.”

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