Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2020

Transiting lunar nodes 2020-2022 / 18 year growth cycle of nodal return

this is more about individual life

                                                   general on the cycles, eclipses

here a lot on results of technology, covid, politics, press, information- mundane( political historical ) astrology

My blogging obsessively, absorbing new infos, techniques is obviously in line with a gemini north node return. As an example my son has his return and was accepted to university which is learning based too. So one opens up. If you had a return recently look back and think about what happened. It will seem logical when you figure it out. Also exact dates of eclipses. Full moon/ new moon in november/ december bring an eclipse conjuncting my gemini node. I will have to see what happens and think back to last time in 2001, 1983. Of course university in 83 and learning astrology intensively and other esoteric things in early 2000s. Now I I using youtube and changing dietary patterns. Watch politics as Trump's nodal return is on 29th October! I am betting this is good karma for him but who knows. 

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