Dienstag, 16. November 2021

5 Books that Changed my Life

I identify wth her analysis of the book, Black boy, lack of identity, constantly moving. I find it very problematic that Margaret Aztwood and Rowlings having non PC thought have become unpersons to her generation. Older authors like Dickens, Shakespeare, Twain books should all be analyzed based on their political opinions on whatever cause de jure existed sometime in their old age of which they were critical. It is so easy for a twenty something to cancel their parents for being uncool. It sounds essentially like 60s hippies extreme self righteousness, " don' t trust anyone over 30". Talk about closed mindedness My kids are hard core atheists but I am not. I suppose I should be burned at the stake for heresy. Once these people become parents and their twelve year old child comes home saying they are going to have a sex change as their favorite teacher said so and a pop star did it and the parent has zero choice due to strict " freedom of choice" laws then their wisdom will seem very superficial and foolish.  

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